
If you are interested in participating in our studies, please fill out a short form here.

(some of) QuILLS Lab in the center, with brain scans to the left and images of sound waves to the right


Welcome to the Quantitative Imaging for Learning, Language, & Speech (QuILLS) lab in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences at the University of Washington!

MRI machine at CHN

MRI machine at UW CHN


We’re interested in neurodevelopmental differences like developmental language disorder and stuttering. We study the way that brains, muscles, and speech work to try to understand why some people have difficulties with speech or language. We use non-invasive techniques to measure these things: MRI to look at pictures of brain structure and function, surface electromyography to listen to muscle activity, and lots of microphones to record speech!

EMG for speech

Recording signals from speech muscles [image source]



Some of our ongoing projects include:

  • Motor learning in developmental language disorder
  • Structural brain differences in developmental language disorder (at the Center for Human Neuroscience)
  • Automated stuttering severity assessment

If you are a student or prospective student at the UW, please get in touch!