

Dr. Gabe Cler
Headshot of Dr. Gabe Cler; man with glasses and red hair in a rainbow striped shirt in front of the ocean
Dr. Cler (he/him) is an assistant professor in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences at the University of Washington. He is affiliated with the UW Center for Human Neuroscience. Gabe completed his PhD in computational neuroscience at Boston University with Cara Stepp and co-mentors Frank Guenther and Jay Bohland. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Speech & Brain Research Group and Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford with Kate Watkins.



Linnea Beasley
Linnea Beasley headshot
Linnea is the Project Manager with the lab. She has a B.S. in Speech & Hearing Sciences from UW. She is particularly interested in fluency disorders and would like to work with pediatric populations in a school setting. She is originally from Seattle and lives in Ballard with her cat, David.

Master's Students

Timothy Berezhnoy
Timothy is an incoming graduate student in the MedSLP program. He has a background in linguistics and teaching English to speakers of other languages. His research interests include psycholinguistics, linguistic development, bilingualism, and parent/caregiver education. He hopes to one day practice in a children's hospital or private practice setting.
Anja Bullen
Anja is an incoming graduate student in the MS EdSLP program. She completed her B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences with minors in Dance and Education, Learning, and Society (ELS) at the University of Washington. Her research interests include motor development that co-occur with language disorders and also speech and language development in children. She hopes to work in schools once graduated. When not studying, she is a part of UW’s women’s hockey team and loves to dance and work out.
Bailey Jacobson
Bailey is a graduate student in the Medical Speech-Language Pathology program at the University of Washington. She received her B.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders and a B.A. in French Language Studies from Western Washington University. Her research interests include motor speech development, vocal function, and bilingual language development. She is excited to be participating in research that impacts speech development in those with developmental disorders.
Allison Johnson
Allison is an incoming graduate student in the MS EdSLP program. At the University of Michigan, she received her B.A. in Linguistics, Spanish, and Biopsychology-Cognition-Neuroscience. Her research interests include dual language acquisition, neurolinguistics, and motor speech development. She hopes to work as an SLP in bilingual school systems.
Sima Sokolov
Sima Sokolov is a second-year graduate student in Medical Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Washington. She received her B.A. in Applied Linguistics and her B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from Portland State University, where she conducted research in the stuttering characteristics of bilingual speakers. Her current research focuses on auditory-perceptual evaluation of stuttering severity.
Khloe Sytsma
Khloe (She/her) is a graduate student in the Medical Speech-Language Pathology program. She received a B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences and a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Diversity from the University of Washington. Her research interests include psycholinguistics, motor speech development, and child speech/language development. Outside of research, she enjoys ceramics, going on walks, and trying out new restaurants!

Undergraduate and Postbaccalaureate Students

Sophia Banel
Sophia is a senior undergraduate student completing a B.S. in speech and hearing sciences and a B.A. in English. She is passionate about working with children and adults with disabilities, and advocating for education and healthcare access. She is excited to pursue a career in speech-language pathology. Her research interests include developmental language disorder, fluency, multilingualism, and patient-centered care. In her free time, she loves taking photos, hiking, trying new recipes, and exploring Seattle and its surrounding communities.
Morgan GreenwayMorgan is a second year undergraduate student obtaining a B.S. in biology with a focus on medicine. She has a passion for helping people, researching unknown areas, and advocating for patient centered care. She discovered this through helping her dad through Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency and epilepsy throughout her childhood. In her free time she enjoys hiking, cooking with/for friends and family, and binge watching TV shows.
Umme Habiba
Umme is a second year undergraduate student intending to study neuroscience and public health at UW. When she’s not in school, she likes to spend her time doing pottery, reading, and catching up on reality tv shows.
Hailey Kindelberger
Hailey Kindelberger studies speech and hearing sciences and environmental studies. She loves being outside, reading books by Marie Lu, going to PNB shows, and stress baking at 1am.
Iris Michelle Mendoza Luna
Iris is a senior undergraduate student studying linguistics and minoring in ASL. Her interests include bilingualism, bilingualism in education, syntax and phonetics/ phonology. In her free time she enjoys reading and taking film photos.
Caesar Tuguinay
Caesar is a senior undergraduate majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Data Science at the University of Washington. He is interested in applying statistical/data science tools to fields of study that do not usually use such tools. In his free time, he likes to play the piano, swim, and go on terribly long runs.
Reyna Smith
Reyna is the lab manager and a senior undergraduate student who plans to pursue a Master of Science in Medical Speech-Language Pathology. She has worked closely with kindergarteners as a reading tutor and is interested in studying more about language development. Her interests include phonetics, child speech/language development, and audiology. In her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, buying new plants, and photography.
Juliana-Symone Tabura
Jules (she/her) is a sophomore undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Medical Anthropology & Global Health. She is interested in learning more about different developmental conditions and the links between speech, language, and motor skills. In her free time, Jules enjoys exploring food spots and parks in Seattle, watching and listening to podcasts, and cooking for her loved ones!


Echo Baraquio

Headshot for Sam Bartolo

Samantha Bartolo


Donna Boucher headshot

Donna Boucher

Haley Hoon headshot

Haley Hoon


Jiwon Kim headshot

Jiwon Kim

Aivy Nguyen


Anna Nolan headshot

Anna Nolan

Claire Sezgin headshot

Claire Sezgin


Jiahe Zhang