Ian Kretzler is a second year graduate student in the archaeology program at the University of Washington. Born in New Haven, CT, he masquerades as a lifelong Washingtonian. He spent his undergraduate years in Walla Walla, WA, receiving a B.A. in anthropology (with a biology minor) from Whitman College in 2012. Within archaeology, he has participated in landscape studies in northern California, excavated 11,000 year old activity sites from Washington and Idaho, conducted kayak survey in British Columbia, and searched for the remains of early Bronze Age houses in Jordan. His research interests include archaeology of the Northwest Coast, indigenous archaeology, feminist theory, and indigenous resource management. Outside of school, he enjoys whitewater kayaking, sci-fi novels (the work of Le Guin, Clarke, and Miéville in particular), and watching his beloved Seattle Mariners. His personal tumblr—which began as a series of reflections on living in Ireland and Jordan in 2011 and has since become a repository for pictures and stories related to anthropology, archaeology, and astronomy—can be found at anordinaryethnography.tumblr.com.