It Me: Ema Grey Bushnell


Hailing from a cozy corner of the central Californian coast, Ema moved to Seattle in August 2012 to pursue a bachelors degree in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Washington. Her research interests revolve the intersections of queer and feminist theories with archaeology and deconstructing colonialist and oppressive narratives within the academy. Regionally, Ema enjoys studying the maritime Pacific and Atlantic sub-arctic and is currently working on a research project focusing on the effects of geographic insularity on the formal stone tools of mid- Holocene hunter-gatherers in Russia’s Kuril Islands. In 2013, Ema attended a field school in Vatnsfjö∂ur, Iceland where she worked on excavating a medieval farm mound.

While not actively pursuing her academic interests, Ema can be found scoopin’ up ice cream, crafting/watching tv with her cats, getting emotional about plants or listening to podcasts about ghosts, true crime and science.

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