About me

About me
Nathanael is a person who does things with archeology. He is an undergrad majoring in anthropology. His mother described him as a “pretty neat child.” His sister wrote on a Instagram “he is the best brother eva <sic>.” From humble beginnings a hero was born. Destined to save the world. Friends and acquaintances commemorate this day by wishing him a happy birthday on Facebook. He was born in the exotic lands of Thailand. Raised by parents he learned to talk, walk, and write papers teachers deemed above average with granting him an A+. He likes to think about smart people things like civil rights, minority empowerment, feminism, politics, morality, religion, and much more to trick people into thinking he is educated. He has a basic understanding of Thai, Isaan, Spanish, and English. In his free time he likes to do fancy things like watch documentaries, meditate, sleep, and learn languages.

One thought on “About me

  1. Dear Nathanael,

    I’m trying to verify the authenticity of a letter sent to superintendent Kershaw at the Grand Ronde School in 1902. The authors signature appears to be the same as the one in the image of a letter posted by you at https://blogs.uw.edu/gonzalsa/author/provost2/.

    Could you tell me name of the signator of the letter and if its not too much trouble, forward me a PDF copy of the letter?

    Thank you,
    Brian Carter

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