About Me!

Hello! My name is Sophie Muro and I’m currently an undergraduate student at the University of Washington, studying Anthropology and Art History. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I’ve developed a passion for being outdoors. Whether I’m hiking, long-distance running, or just spending an afternoon in the sun during a perfect west coast summer, I cherish the time I’m able to spend in nature.

While studying at the UW, I have been fortunate enough to engage in undergraduate research through the Pacific Northwest Archaeology lab on campus, run by Dr. Sara Gonzalez. As an Honors student at UW, I am currently conducting my own research project, utilizing the tools and mentor ship provided by the PNW lab to explore how photogrammetry and 3D digital modeling can be used to represent belongings found during our summer excavations. It is my hope that these models will be used to increase the accessibility of digital collections for Indigenous communities.

When I’m not on campus (which feels rare these days!) I love to bake, and I am currently working to perfect my blueberry scone recipe!

The annual Field School “Chelfie” or chicken-selfie!

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