Kerstin Snodgrass is a 22 year old Archaeological Science student currently in her final year at the UW. Interested in a young age about archaeology she has continued her studies and eventually start working in the field within the coming year. Although not specialized at the moment her interests mostly include any work with textiles, sewing and
knitting with other interests scattered throughout. At the moment she is studying Historical Archaeology, Ethnographic archaeology and archaeology in the public sector. On the sidelines she enjoys arts and crafts and learning French and looks forward to what her future brings.
Born in Florida, she was raised actually in the Northwest from a young age. From youth
she gained interest in archaeology first learning about it from her mother’s Tutankhamun
books and decided to pursue that interest instead of becoming an ice cream truck driver
at the age of 8. Her current goals are to graduate with her undergraduate degreeĀ and to gain a job in the field hopefully starting with a job in the CRM or be put onto some field schools.