Trash that!

What stood out the most to me from the classmate’s refuse I looked through were the items from the dorm, as well as the tea bags and cough drops. They used nine bags of tea and several cough drop wrappers in seven days. It’s rather clear this person is a student by looking at their garbage, and unfortunately, they’re sick. When I compare their refuse with mine, I can’t help but feel ashamed of all the recycle and plastic I threw into the garbage. Sure, they had a few plastic packages from the UW Bookstore, or the comic store, but it doesn’t add up to be nearly as much as mine. I wonder if this is due to the locations in which we live. For one, it’s clear this person lives in a dorm on campus. With commuting three hours in the morning and three in the afternoon, I clearly live several miles from campus. After moving in the beginning of November, I’ve noticed a distinct difference in the ways we dispose our items in my household. We used to be able to frequently recycle because the transfer station was “just up the road”. Literally, you could make a right turn out of our neighborhood, and within seconds it was the next right. The ways in which we leave our mark through trash has a lot to do with our location.  Now, it’s not that we stopped recycling entirely. It’s just that we aren’t recycling everything anymore. Occasionally, aluminum cans or plastic yogurt containers will end up in the garbage. This lab has definitely motivated me to start separating the recycling more, and taking the extra step to ensure recycled items don’t end up in the garbage again.

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