About Sara Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Hard at work.

Prof. Gonzalez, Archaeologist by Training, Amateur Baker

Curriculum Vitae

Sara Gonzalez is an assistant professor at the University of Washington, Seattle where she is developing a local program in community-based archaeology and exploring the intersections of digital media and tribal historical preservation. Prior this appointment she was a Scholar-in-Residence fellow in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Carleton College and a Christian A. Johnson Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at Vassar College. She received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley Department of Anthropology in 2011. An archaeologist by training, her current research interests include the archaeology of colonialism, community and public archaeology, Indigenous and feminist archaeology, and historical archaeology. In addition to working in the most beautiful places on earth (the Sonoma coast and now the PNW, in case you were wondering) she enjoys blogging about archaeology and making cupcakes for her students.

Abner’s Life

sleepy cat
Abner was born in San Salvador, EL Salvador and speaks Spanish fluently
since he lived in that country for 13 years. When he was a kid, he used to
visit the coastline with his friends almost every weekend. Although he spent a significant amount of time near the ocean he never liked seafood. He lived and
grew up in a city most of his life; however, he always preferred spending more time in the countryside because he enjoys hiking. His other hobbies include watching horror films, playing soccer and listening to a wide variety of German, Spanish and English music.
Most of his family lives in Toronto, Canada and Seattle; and he moved to the U.S. around 8 years ago. He has been in other countries such as Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Chile. he went to Shoreline Community College and then transferred to the UW 2 years ago. He is currently trying to obtain a double major in psychology and archaeology. His interests in psychology include neuroscience, development and clinical counseling. Since he was a little kid, he always felt fascinated by archaeology because he comes from a culture that cares about tradition and ancient civilizations. Some of his interests in archaeology include ancient Greece and Rome as well as the development of Mayan civilization.

Who is Roger Crowley ?

Bio Photo

Roger Crowley is a senior at the University of Washington where he is completing a BA in Archaeological Sciences which he began in 1971. Roger returned to the UW in 2013 following retirement from a 35-year career as a long-haul train porter with AMTRAK. He also served his AMTRAK colleagues as an elected officer in their labor union at both the local and national levels. Roger’s prior studies in archaeology include participation in a field school in the Skagit delta directed by Astrida Onat in 1973 and studies abroad in West Mexico under Betty Bell. After graduation he plans to continue working with the archaeology collection at the Burke Museum as a volunteer and engage in part time employment with local CRM firms.