This is Daisy

Daisy Jaime is currently in her third undergrad year at the University of Washington-Seattle. She comes from the Yakima Valley, born in Western- themed Toppenish and raised in Dinosaur-themed Granger. Her curiosity for the past and participation in field school (LEIAP 2014) have encouraged her to double major in History and Archaeological Sciences. Her culture has influenced her to focus on Latin American studies.

Daisy at the Son Fornés Museum in Mallorca, Spain

Daisy at the Son Fornés Museum in Mallorca, Spain

Daisy’s interest in community- based archaeology led her to join this field school. In the long run, she hopes to one day be able to apply these methods with indigenous communities in Latin America.

You can often find Daisy at a local concert (crowd surfing is yet to be crossed off her list), exploring new places in Seattle or binge watching on Netflix. She enjoys running, playing volleyball and trying new food.

Scott Adams

Scott is an Archaeology major entering his senior year at the University of Washington. He holds three Associates degrees in various fields acquired in past lives. One such life began eight years ago when he sold his soul to the United States Air Force. In return Scott obtained training and experience as an aircraft mechanic while traveling abroad. In addition, he received funding to pursue his second degree. While abroad, Scott encountered several new and exciting cultures. What’s more, is that he was able to see, feel, and experience the physical remains of cultures long since passed. Luckily for him, the Air Force only had a claim to his soul for two more years. Upon completing those years, Scott promptly moved back home to Washington to pursue an education in Archaeology.

Since moving back to the Northwest, Scott has attempted to juggle school, work, and family. While all three are important, he has dropped the ball for each more times than he’d like to admit. With the help of his wife of ten years, and two young children, the show continues. Scott is a practical man, and though he separated from the active duty Air Force, he continues to make himself presentable once a month to play Air Force with the Reserves. How else is a student supposed to keep a family reasonably insured?

When not wondering how he’s going to keep his family in food, shelter, and clothes, Scott likes to think he will make the archaeological discovery of the century, write a book, make a movie, and be set for life. After awaking from that dream, Scott likes to spend time with his family, ride his motorcycle, travel, and spend money he doesn’t have. After the creditors catch up to him, he will most likely look at getting a job in Cultural Resource Management or try to hide in the University’s graduate program. If those options don’t work, Scott has heard the Air Force will take unemployed archaeologists with souls.

Meet Kandice

Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 8.05.39 AMKandice Joyner is a senior at the University of Washington. While in the city she is earning her Bachelors Degree in Anthropology with a focus in Archaeological Sciences and a minor in American Indian Studies. Kandice is a farm kid from the Okanogan Valley in North Central Washington. She grew up driving tractor, riding horses, and raising hay on her family farm. A country girl at heart she is in the outdoors as much as she can. You’ll find her by a campfire with friends or hiking the many trails in Washington.

The outdoors is a big part of why she loves what she studies, but it’s not the only thing. Kandice loves stories; she enjoys listening to people, hearing what they see, and how they interpret the world around us. Not all stories have happy endings, but they do have lessons. Even happy ending stories do.

Oral histories, myth, and beliefs are avenues in which we learn these lessons. The lessons and stories are becoming “validated” tools for reevaluating sites and landscapes, to bring more information about place and personhood. These stories and histories are just as important today as they ever have been. Kandice is passionate about how stories and people collide, especially the cause and effect of place, person, and story on each other. She is passionate about working with people to collectively write a better, multi-vocal story for our children’s children about the land, our people, and our world.

This is where her story and yours collide. She is here as a guest, a student, and hopefully soon a friend, during her stay at field school. The FMIA project was something she knew she wanted to be at while Prof. Gonzalez explained what it was in class last fall. Community based archaeology is the methodology she hopes and aims to work by after graduation.

About Jessi

My name is Jessica Boggs and I am an undergraduate at the University of Washington majoring in Archaeological Science. I am currently in my senior year and plan to continue my education within UW’s post-graduate Anthropology program. My interests include Pacific Northwest history and prehistory, specifically the effects that climate change and coastal geomorphology has had on local landscapes and human settlement, and the relevance of past anthropogenic landscapes in relation to current and future management processes involving forests, fish, and wildlife.

In addition to archaeological research, the existing wealth of knowledge preserved through tribal oral histories passed from generation to generation since time immemorial, has proven highly beneficial in planning for various aspects of landscape management, and an array of other topics.

I chose to enroll in the FMIA because it takes place in the Pacific Northwest region, and is a collaborative community based program with and for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. This environment offers a unique opportunity to learn archaeological research methods using a collaborative model, and places us in a position to work directly with and for the CTGR Tribal Historic Preservation Office.


Allie is a student at the University of Washington where she studies anthropology. When Allie is not studying or working, she spends what little time she has exploring the great outdoors, attempting to bake delicious baked goods, but often burning them instead, or doodling in her notebooks. As an outdoor enthusiast who spends a disproportionate amount of time studying anthropology, Allie was ecstatic to participate in this project where she has the opportunity to camp for five weeks while simultaneously learning field methods in indigenous archaeology.

Who is Veronica?

Veronica is a student at Western Oregon University. She is getting ready to start her junior year in her pursuit of a Bachelor’s of Science in Anthropology with a minor in Forensic Anthropology. She currently holds two Associates degrees in Business related fields. As the first person in her family (for as long as can be traced back) to earn an associate’s degree, she will also be the first in her family to also achieve a bachelor’s.
Veronica is a mother of three children, a wife, a full time student, a full time employee and a tribal member. As a Grand Ronde Tribal member, Veronica was especially interested in the 2015 Archaeology field school in Grand Ronde. She is the Collections Supervisor at the tribe’s museum and cultural center where she has been for the last five years. This field school allows her a rare opportunity in many aspects. She will be learning skills that will directly relate to her job, be a part of something that has never happened before and be earning credit towards her degree. Her place in the community will allow her the ability to serve as a bridge between the community and the students at UW.
Born and raised in Oregon, Veronica has strong connections to the area being studied. She hopes to help her peers learn more while also learning valuable skills herself. With firsthand knowledge of curation practices, it is her hopes to help teach the future archaeologist some important skills about handling artifacts that they will be able to use in their future careers. She is looking forward to all that comes with attending a field school and especially meeting her peers.

Meet Zoey

Enjoying sediment columns at Milepost 31

Enjoying sediment columns at Milepost 31

Zoey Whisler is an under­grad­u­ate in her fourth year at the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton, graduating in summer of 2015. Zoey is get­ting her bach­e­lors degree in Anthropology, specializing in Archaeological Sciences, with a minor in Geology.

Born and raised in Seat­tle, Zoey is the fourth gen­er­a­tion of her fam­ily liv­ing in the North­west, so local archae­ol­ogy and geol­ogy have been a pas­sion from a young age. Grow­ing up she was encour­aged by her par­ents to be involved in sci­ence and cul­ture, a mix­ture of her par­ents inter­ests rub­bing off on her. In kinder­garten, Zoey was intro­duced to archae­ol­ogy by doing an archae­o­log­i­cal dig of her back­yard for her first sci­ence fair project, unfor­tu­nately the bones she found were not a new species to be pub­lished as she hoped but were instead chicken bones from a rather recent com­post pile. When she entered col­lege,

Zoey had already been intro­duced to many fields of sci­ence through her school­ing and fam­ily, but after tak­ing some col­lege courses she even­tu­ally found a love for archae­ol­ogy, geol­ogy, and paleontology.

Zoey’s inter­ests in archae­ol­ogy and geol­ogy are diverse and she is excited to explore new aspects of the fields and have the oppor­tu­nity to dis­cuss them in the for­mat of blogging. Working with the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde’s Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) provides the unique opportunity to work with and for the tribe on projects that they feel most beneficial to the community.

Introducing Rachel!

Best in Terms of Pants

Best in Terms of Pants

Rachel is an Anthropology major attending her first field school: Field Methods in Indigenous Archaeology.  She is a general nerd, interests ranging from video and board games, sci-fi TV shows and cartoons.  These activities keep her indoors most of the time, so a few weeks camping for field school are probably good for her.  Camp essentials for Rachel include her Kindle, loaded with an excessive number of books, a plant field guide, and a multitude of card games.

Originally hailing from the Seattle area, Rachel recently moved back to that region in order to attend University of Washington.  Though she is an Anthropology major, she is giving serious consideration to adding a Creative Writing or Archaeology Science Major.

When choosing the field school of her dreams, Rachel was enamored of the prospect of working in collaboration with descendant groups; she knew Professor Gonzalez’s field school was the one for her.  Another area of interest, emphasized by FMIA, are low-impact methods of research; she is looking forward to getting to know all the “toys” that go with such methods.

Life goals for Rachel include writing the next Great Novel, defeating invading, interstallar aliens, and solve a beautiful mystery.  If she is not at school, she can generally be found under a pile of cats, attending Emerald City Comicon or living the dream at PAX.

Kayla’s Bio

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 7.45.42 AM           Kayla Krantz is an undergraduate at the University of Washington double majoring in both archaeological science and human evolutionary biology with an interest in pursuing museum studies. She is also pursuing a minor in art history in an effort to seek a well-rounded education ground in both fine art and cultural history.

Born in Federal Way, WA and raised in Puyallup, Kayla has always had an interest in archaeology beginning with a fascination for Eqyptology (as most kids do). As a child, she also amassed an impressive rock collection complete with geodes, crystals, obsidian, petrified wood, and more. But her initial career path was not geared towards her hobbies of archaeology and geology, but rather towards her love of animals. Kayla was accepted to UW in 2011 to pursue a pre-veterinary degree, but a tumultuous freshman year that saw both a 1.8 in physics and a 4.0 in introductory archaeology put her back on the path towards pursuing her childhood interests.

Kayla is now living in Seattle and will be graduating with two bachelor’s degrees this upcoming fall. She hopes to be able to move to sunny San Diego in the next three years.

Ellie’s Bio

Ellie Gunderson was born and raised in Washington. She is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Washington studying archaeology. Previously she received her Associates in Arts from South Puget Sound Community College. Ellie is currently interested in ethics and indigenous archaeology.