About Zoey

zoey and soil

Zoey Whisler (pictured above at the Milepost 31 museum in Seattle) is an undergraduate in her fourth year at the University of Washington. Zoey is getting her bachelors degrees in Archaeological Sciences and Geology and does her research within the paleontology department.

Born and raised in Seattle, Zoey is the fourth generation of her family living in the Northwest, so local archaeology and geology have been a passion from a young age. Growing up she was encouraged by her parents to be involved in science and culture, a mixture of her parents interests rubbing off on her. In kindergarten, Zoey was introduced to archaeology by doing an archaeological dig of her backyard for her first science fair project, unfortunately the bones she found were not a new species to be published as she hoped but were instead chicken bones from a rather recent compost pile. When she entered college, Zoey had already been introduced to many fields of science through her schooling and family, but after taking some college courses she eventually found a love for archaeology, geology, and paleontology.

Currently Zoey does her research on prehistoric shrews from Western Montana that are 25 to 28 million years old and even had the opportunity to present her findings at the 2014 Geological Society of America Conference. Still, Zoey’s interests in Archaeology and Geology are diverse and she is excited to explore new aspects of the fields and have the opportunity to discuss them in the format of blogging.

Introducing: Rachel!

Best in Terms of Pants

Best in Terms of Pants

Rachel Fahlgren is an Anthropology Major and general nerd.  When she is not reading articles for class, she can generally be found reading (or writing) a book of the sci-fi fantasy genre, watching anime, reading comics or just rolling about her living room watching something awful on Netflix (for like, five hours).  Originally hailing from the Seattle Metropolitan area until her teenage years, she moved back to attend the University of Washington after completing two years at a community college in Spokane.  Now she lives in Lynnwood and, while she has the best of intentions to get some reading done on her morning commute, she usually just dozes for a half hour every morning.

This summer, Rachel hopes to go on an Archaeology field school in Oregon, write the next Great American Novel, breed the cutest cat ever (that one’s a joke because clearly Lil Bub is the cutest cat ever), hopefully not sunburn too badly while out on adventures, and attend PAX for the fifth year.

Hi there!

One of the many flowers I've stopped to stare at. This one's called periwinkle (Vinca minor).

One of the many flowers I’ve stopped to stare at. This one’s called periwinkle (Vinca minor).

My name is Tiauna Cabillan. I’ve been living in Seattle for the better part of the last two years, and have yet to fully explore the various eateries, scenery, and other things the city has to offer—though I hope to do so in the future. I am currently enrolled at the University of Washington as a second-year undergraduate student. This quarter will be my first as an anthropology/archaeological sciences major. I’ve yet to narrow down my interests much, but I hope to find ways in which I can explore topics such as sustainability and inequality through anthropological and archaeological perspectives.

Outside classes, I spend my time drawing, crocheting, baking, and being sidetracked by the campus’s ubiquitous plant life (about which I admittedly know little, but hope to learn).

Kyle Hancock Bio



Hello all! My name is Kyle Hancock. I am currently a GNM student at the University of Washington. I received my BA degree in anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology from Eastern Washington University in 2013. It is my goal to gain admittance to the PhD program here at the University of Washington eventually but I am enjoying the adventure along the way! I am originally from a small desert town in Wyoming and grew up looking for arrowheads out in desolate sagebrush covered hills of what was once home to a completely different group of people than those I was familiar with. For some peculiar reason I was always drawn back out into the desert to make some sort of connection with this “other” group of people and thus my fascination with archaeology began without me even realizing what is was. Much like finding an arrowhead, sometimes these things just happen to find you.

Outside of the academic arena I enjoy music, backpacking, exploring, and gaining insight into all different aspects of life. My journeys have led me to many different places including; wild and sprawling concrete jungles, high mountain peaks, seemingly never ending valleys, and into places that many people never really get to experience. Life has honestly been a magical mystery tour so far and I am anxious to see where it leads me next!

Hi, I’m Allison!

…a recent-ish transplant to the Seattle area from rural Alabama. I’ve spent the last dozen years or so fixing computers and teaching other people how to use them, but about three years ago I decided I wanted to do more than just fix stuff, so I went back to school to find something cool to actually do with all the neat technology I’d been fixing. A lifetime love of archaeology (so many hours spent watching PBS) and a side interest in geology and chemistry led to my perfect mix: using multi-spectral remote sensing, satellite imagery, and GIS for the discovery, analysis, and management of archaeological sites, with a particular interest in areas that are prohibitively challenging to explore in person (see: jungles of Mesoamerica). To wit, I’m majoring in Anthropology (Archaeological Sciences) and minoring in Earth and Space Science, mostly so I can get my hands on all the cool toys. Since I’ll be graduating this quarter, in the upcoming year I’ll be applying to graduate school with the goal of doing research in my chosen specialty.

When I’m not tinkering or studying, I like to read comics and science-y non-fiction, play the flute, zoom around in my Mini Cooper (his name is Jarvis), learn how to make gluten-free food not taste like cardboard, and pretend I’m a real photographer. I’ve also spent the last two years working on the Emma B. Andrews project, digitizing the diaries of a fascinating woman who traveled throughout Egypt during the excavations in the Valley of the Kings from 1889-1912.

Since I prefer to be on the other side of the camera, here’s a picture of the adorable little farm cat I befriended this summer on my study abroad in Mallorca, Spain.

Farm Cat at Son Maixella

It Me: Ema Grey Bushnell


Hailing from a cozy corner of the central Californian coast, Ema moved to Seattle in August 2012 to pursue a bachelors degree in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Washington. Her research interests revolve the intersections of queer and feminist theories with archaeology and deconstructing colonialist and oppressive narratives within the academy. Regionally, Ema enjoys studying the maritime Pacific and Atlantic sub-arctic and is currently working on a research project focusing on the effects of geographic insularity on the formal stone tools of mid- Holocene hunter-gatherers in Russia’s Kuril Islands. In 2013, Ema attended a field school in Vatnsfjö∂ur, Iceland where she worked on excavating a medieval farm mound.

While not actively pursuing her academic interests, Ema can be found scoopin’ up ice cream, crafting/watching tv with her cats, getting emotional about plants or listening to podcasts about ghosts, true crime and science.