Digging Digitally


This blog is organized by The Digital Data Interest Group (DDIG), which promote the preservation and sharing of archaeological data in digital form, including digital documents, images, and archaeological databases. Their aim is to make these archaeological resources available to scholars or who are interested in archaeology. This blog contains many information relates to archeology, such as conference, new published book, projects, cultural heritage, museum exhibition, law, and even jobs. They organized different information to separate and detailed categories, which make reader easier to find the issue attracts them. And they also organized it in temporal order. However, it seems like there are few information posted after 2012, if they could keep posing, I think it is a good sources for who interested in archaeology.

Out of Ice and Time – Amber’s blog review

Authored by Anne Jensen, of Barrow, Alaska, this blog follows the Nuvuk archaeology project outside of Barrow.  While the blog clearly caters to archaeologists, it has a simple style and word choice that allows it appeal to a much wider audience.  Its informal tone lends an air of familiarity to the scientific process taking place, which makes the work feel very accessible. This blog has a straight forward presentation of what it’s like to be a working archaeologist, following the day to day research, and has excellent photographs to help chronicle the experience.  The utilitarian aesthetic of the website contributes to this overall impression.  They are, incidentally, hiring students for the upcoming summer session. . .        http://iceandtime.wordpress.com/

Viking Archaeology Blog – Amber’s blog review

Constructed as a source for the University of Oxford Online Course in Viking Archaeology, and authored by the well-respected and established archaeologist David Beard, this blog is fascinating.  Intended for a scholarly audience, it is mainly composed of articles relating to Viking archaeology. This genre is exceptional in its ability to capture the imaginations of scholars, archaeologists, and adventurous souls, and this blog certainly doesn’t fail to deliver.  This is highly interesting subject manner that encourages academic discourse., and even offers opportunities for related fieldwork. This blog, however, is intended for use in a classroom setting, and so it lacks the personal content that some of the other blogs benefit from.  http://viking-archaeology-blog.blogspot.com/

Northwest Coast Archaeology – Amber’s blog review

One of the more highly respected blogs within archaeological community, Northwest Coast Archaeology is intended for an academic audience.  Helmed by Uni­ver­sity of Vic­to­ria archae­ol­o­gist Quentin Mackie, this blog does a great job of covering topics that appeal to our region.  Although the subject matter is limited geographically, Mackie does a great job of integrating multiple aspects of the anthropological approach, and the end result is one that feels complete and representative of the multidisciplinary aspect of our profession.


Elfshot: Sticks and Stones – Amber’s blog review

Tim Rast, a Canadian archaeologist and flintknapper, uses his blog, “Elfshot: Sticks and Stones” to communicate his discoveries in the field of experimental archaeology.  He is a highly qualified authority within this field.  His commentary offers a complete approach; from research, to construction, to reflection – he offers insight on every factor of the object.  Also, as he creates replicas for museum and academic applications, there is a bit of interesting stuff about how to replicate patinas, and his approaches towards materials and pigments are especially interesting when one thinks about how these activities can be reflected within the archaeological record.  Great Stuff!                                http://elfshotgallery.blogspot.com/

Middle Savagery – Amber’s blog review

Authored by the qualified Dr. Colleen Morgan, Middle Savagery is a clever assortment of archaeological tidbits and witty self reflection.  It covers a wide range of anthropological topics, but with a focus on archaeological topics.  Most definitely intended for an archaeological audience, it maintains a balance between comedic self-deprecation and genuine anthropological inquiry. The content of this blog is reputable, it is well written, and it successfully informs and entertains the reader.  It is an excellent example of an archaeology blog. http://middlesavagery.wordpress.com/

Blogging Archaeology- last one

“Field Notes”


This blog is hosted by Curtin Archaeological Consulting, Inc., a CRM firm located in New York State. The archaeologists use this blog to document projects they are working on, even posting field photos of excavation and the recovered artifacts. Because of their location, the topics are largely focused on the heritage of the southern New York region, topics which are undoubtedly of interest to community members. What is great about this blog is that people who observe archaeology going on in their community can go online and have relatively immediate access to information about that project. The tone of the articles is accessible for the public and the information presented makes the CRM projects more transparent (for example, an article will say who the developers on a project are, what phase it is in, so forth). While I am sure there are some things that are not published, in general the blog seems to be a great way to involve the community in the archaeological process.

Blogging Archaeology – no.4

“Adventures in Archaeology, Human Palaeocology, and the Internet”


Authored by Matthew Law, Lecturer in Geography at Bath Spa University, UK, and PhD student at Cardiff University, this blog explores human-environment interactions and the authors’ personal “archaeomalacological analyses” (i.e. results of his faunal studies). The posts are well-written, extensively referenced (a plus for students) and link to other scholarly sources and academic blogs such as “Then Dig” hosted by UC Berkeley. This suggests that the audience is largely from academic circles ranging from geography, environmental studies, and archaeology. The topics covered are various, and are often related to small things that are taken for granted, for example, preserved dog prints on historic architecture (who thinks to look for that??).

Blogging Archaeology – third times a charm

“Where in the hell am I”?


This blog is written by John, who worked as a CRM archaeologist for several years and is now an archaeologist with Texas State Parks. The purpose of this blog is to give the public a better understanding of what field archaeology and CRM is all about, but there is also a lot on the blog that professional archaeologists will find useful. For example, if you aren’t sure where to get a taco or good BBQ while in Austin for this year’s SAA conference, John has you covered. His posts cover topics ranging from what he did at work today, to which community outreach and educational programs he is involved with. So while the article is not necessarily scholarly in tone, it bridges the gap between the public and the academic world in a way that makes CRM more transparent and accessible to the general public.

Blogging Archaeology again

“Hazelnut Relations”


This is a humorous blog written by Marcel Cornelissen, who is an archaeology PhD student at the University of Zurich. The blog largely discusses (but is not limited to )Neolithic and Mesolithic European archaeology in an exciting way that captivates the reader. The rather obscure title of the blog (drawn from Bradley’s 1984 quote “… Neolithic farmers had social relations with one another, while their Mesolithic forager predecessors had ecological relations with hazel nuts.”) means the audience that the blog draws is probably academic and from fields that explore human-ecological relationships. The blog is well-written and cited, providing a great resource for scholars, and is in touch with the current state of archaeological matters (there are several recent posts discussing the SAA blogosphere session, for example), so this blog seems legit in my book. And I love the quote.