Introducing: Rachel!

Best in Terms of Pants

Best in Terms of Pants

Rachel Fahlgren is an Anthropology Major and general nerd.  When she is not reading articles for class, she can generally be found reading (or writing) a book of the sci-fi fantasy genre, watching anime, reading comics or just rolling about her living room watching something awful on Netflix (for like, five hours).  Originally hailing from the Seattle Metropolitan area until her teenage years, she moved back to attend the University of Washington after completing two years at a community college in Spokane.  Now she lives in Lynnwood and, while she has the best of intentions to get some reading done on her morning commute, she usually just dozes for a half hour every morning.

This summer, Rachel hopes to go on an Archaeology field school in Oregon, write the next Great American Novel, breed the cutest cat ever (that one’s a joke because clearly Lil Bub is the cutest cat ever), hopefully not sunburn too badly while out on adventures, and attend PAX for the fifth year.