Annual Fundraiser

Hello! We are the Equestrian Team at the University of Washington! We are a club team a part of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA).

Every year, we host a GoFundMe fundraiser in order to support our team and we are asking you to contribute towards our cause. As we recognize that our sport is expensive, we are asking that you help eliminate expenses that inhibit team members from participating.
We will use donations for the following:
  • Funding the next show that we host (venue, judge, ribbons, etc.)
  • Lowering costs towards traveling to shows (gas, hotels, etc.)
  • Helping support team members to participate in shows by decreasing showing costs
  • Lowering yearly club dues
  • Gear for shows (hats, spurs, boots, etc.)
  • Possible scholarships for team members
  • Supporting riders to lesson and train with our team
We are a club sport a part of the University of Washington supporting riders and horse-lovers of all experience levels to participate in the showing and general horse world. This team was established to create a more affordable equestrian experience so more people can participate! With this fundraiser, we attempt to eliminate the costly aspect of horse riding, welcoming a greater amount of people to join!
Although we continue to collectively struggle through this pandemic, we are excited to finally have in person shows this year! This fundraiser will greatly increase our chances of participating in these shows as well as hosting our own.  However, through last year’s fundraiser, we were still able to participate in virtual club activities and in-person lessons. This was through the help of the donations raised last year through our community!
To learn more about our team, or if you want to stay updated with our events, follow us on our socials!
Instagram: @uwequestrian
Facebook: @ihsauw

*By donating you are directly supporting the team. 100% of donations will go towards the club which means no return of investments such as stickers are available.