Immunology Training Program
Appointment requirements for pre-doctoral trainees on the Immunology Training Grant:
- Register for 10 credits during autumn, winter, and spring quarters and 2 credits during summer quarter.
- Acknowledgement of the Immunology Training Grant (2T32 AI106677) in any publication on which you are an author and your contribution to that publication occurred while you were appointed on the training grant. Further, you must submit each publication (other than reviews) to PubMed Central through the NIH manuscript system unless it was submitted automatically by the journal.
- Submission of research and progress reports for the grant proposal when requested.
- Presentation of a short talk on research to the Training Grant External Evaluator, and to the Training Grant External Advisory Committee in the summer.
- Completion (in good standing) of IMMUN 532 (Intersection of Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Disease), IMMUN 538 (Immunological Based Diseases and Treatments), and one quarter of IMMUN 534B (Central Issues in Immunology) during your 2nd year. You must register for and meet the expectations of IMMUN 550 Research in Progress and IMMUN 573 Immunology Seminar Series.
- Completion of at least one Teaching Assistantship is required for all students supported by the T32 Training Program.
- Completion of your Individual Development Plan (IDP) by the start date of your training grant appointment, with an annual revision by the end of your appointment. You will be expected to discuss your IDP with your mentor and separately with a Training Grant PI (either Dr. Michael Gale or Dr. Joan Goverman).
- Attend a total of 5 lectures and 1 discussion session of the Biomedical Research Integrity series every 4 years while you are in graduate school. Note that this is an NIH mandate.
- Attend a 2-hour training session, “Training in Ethical Behavior in Science” co-chaired by the training grant mentors for instruction in ethical behavior and scientific rigor in September (along with the incoming class of 1st year graduate students).
- Completion of a minimum of 5 modules (with 7 modules strongly recommended) of the Conjoint series within the first year on the training grant, if not previously done. One course must be in quantitative analysis and is best met by successfully completing UCONJ 510 Introductory Laboratory Based Biostatistics during summer quarter.
Please also note the following mentor responsibilities:
- Provide approximately $16,745 in supplemental support:
a) Stipend supplementation. Augmented stipend supplementation must come from a non-federal source.
b) Fringe benefit/health insurance
c) Tuition supplement - Contribute to the Biomedical Research Integrity Series by leading a workshop or presenting a lecture during the summer of 2020, if not already done in the prior year.
- Mentors of training grant supported students are required to contribute to instruction in ethical behavior for our incoming class of first year graduate students and the training grant supported students at the beginning of the academic year. This will be a one-time commitment for an approximately 2-hour training session co-chaired by all five (5) training grant mentors. For more information on the training session contact Sandy Turner, Graduate Program Coordinator at, or