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Through our Eyes: The Black Student Experience on Campus

On September 3rd at 5pm, the Black Student Union of Seattle is hosting this panel “Through our Eyes: The Black Student Experience on Campus.” Please join us for this campus-wide discussion about racial-equity and social justice.

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Since the end of the Spring quarter, Black students at the University of Washington have been engaged in several campus-wide discussions about racial equity and social justice. One of the beautiful things that have emerged from these conversations is increased collaboration within the Black Student community across campus. This moment has confirmed our shared experiences. Many of you have reached out to ask what more you could do. On Thursday, September 3rd at 5 pm, we will be hosting a panel entitled “Through our Eyes: The Black Student Experience on Campus.” Come listen to us as we’d love to chat with you. If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the google form in our linktree ( You can register for this event at

Published in Events History


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