InCS welcomes all of the new first year graduate students (masters and PhDs!) to the department with a fun night of trivia on all things Seattle, UW, and chemistry-related! See a picture below of grad students in different teams, all…
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The Mentorship Network is excited to announce that we are bringing back Paint Night for all members of InCS. We especially hope that mentors and mentees can attend together to connect or reconnect and relax. We will supply: paint supplies, snacks, and…
Leave a CommentDuring the mentor network social last friday, we were able to rent off the HUB Arcade and to play mario kart on the wii u, pool, and ping-pong ball. Additionally, we were able to rent off the party room and…
Leave a CommentHere are some notes about mentoring from yesterday’s workshop, “I’m an experienced graduate student?! Tips and advice for sharing your knowledge.” Thanks to Janice DeCosmo, Lindsey Madison, and Julie Cass for contributing their mentoring expertise! Thanks also to everyone who submitted questions for the panel.
Leave a CommentWCS is excited to announce the new chemistry department peer mentorship network! The goal of this program is to help incoming grad students with questions about starting grad school (research, classes, moving to Seattle, work/life balance etc.) as well as integrating…
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