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Category: Outreach

Photos from the Shoreline STEM Festival

Photos from the Shoreline STEM Festival on May 9th, where we taught students and their families about nanotechnology by making rainbow thin-film bookmarks. All photos by Jeffrey Buenaflor.

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Photos from Echo Lake Science Night

Jeffrey, Rae, Caitlin, and Heidi presented at Science Night at Echo Lake Elementary School in Shoreline. We did a nanotechnology activity where we made rainbow thin films from clear nail polish (more information here). All photos by Jeffrey Buenaflor.

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Solving a chemistry mystery at Seattle Expanding Your Horizons

This weekend, several members of WCS-UW presented a workshop at the Expanding Your Horizons Conference at Seattle University. This event, which had over 450 attendees this year, provides an opportunity for 6th to 8th grade girls to participate in hands-on workshops and learn about careers in STEM fields. Last year, some of us helped out with supervising the students and directing traffic, but this year, we led our own activity.

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