WCS is hosting this year’s Mangels Lecture! As science advisor of the hit TV series Breaking Bad Donna J. Nelson will speak about her experiences in Hollywood and how the world of science and film connect. She will reveal how…
Leave a CommentInclusion in Chemical Sciences at UW Posts
Last week, UW’s physics department hosted a seminar by Rachel Scherr, a UW physics alumna and senior research scientist at Seattle Pacific University who has also conducted research on diversity and education for the American Physical Society (APS). This discussion was prompted in part by the lack of diversity in this year’s cohort of physics graduate students: of 31 students, 30 identify as male. While the demographics of our chemistry department are much more balanced in terms of gender, the topic of diversity in admissions is important for anyone interested in graduate education.
Leave a CommentVictor Lee, Abbie Ganas, and Katie Guye visited a local school during one of their science events, where they illustrated how different type of markers and pens are affected by mixtures of solvents on coffee filters. When these coffee filters…
Leave a CommentJoy Delyria talked to us about easing the difficulties that scientific controversy presents. As a scientist, we are not here to change an individual’s mind using one conversation. I mean, if we do, that is awesome! However, realistically, that is usually…
Leave a CommentHere is a quick overview on what we discussed in our last member meeting. First, Beth started off by talking about Joy Delyria From PSC who gave a workshop at lunch on Friday 3/31 on how to talk to nonscientists about “controversial”…
Leave a CommentDuring the mentor network social last friday, we were able to rent off the HUB Arcade and to play mario kart on the wii u, pool, and ping-pong ball. Additionally, we were able to rent off the party room and…
Leave a CommentThe meeting was fairly short and included a variety of topics. The first major topic of discussion was the co-sponsoring of oSTEM’s mental health workshop with Brenda Kessenich on February 9, 5 PM. We then changed the topic of conversation…
Leave a CommentLast week, WCS held our third annual WCS lecture (here’s our recap of the first, and of the second)! This time, we hosted Dr. Geri Richmond, from the University of Oregon. Geri has had an amazing scientific career, focusing on the spectroscopy of molecular processes at liquid surfaces, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. She has also been actively involved in science policy (serving on the National Science Board and also as the president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) and supporting the careers of women in science and engineering through COACh, a grass-roots organization that provides professional development workshops and networking opportunities for women around the world.
Leave a CommentOn January 21, 2017, several groups of students from the Chemistry department and WCS participated in the Women’s March to support women and their human rights. Rachel Boccamazzo, a senior biochemistry and biology undergraduate, provided an image, showing a small…
Leave a CommentTwo phenomenal opportunities to express your love for science among kids! Echo Lake Science Night Thursday, January 26th, from 5:00-8:30 Age Group: K-6 Pizza and cookies will be served! If you want to help at this event, talk to Abbie,…
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