Prof. Kollman is a director of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Cryo-EM Center at UW. We use the center’s facilities for our cryo-EM work.

Electron Microscopes

Titan Krios G3 300 kV Cryo-TEM
Detector: Gatan K3
Energy fIlter: Gatan BioQuantum GIF
Data collection: Leginon, Serial EM

Glacios 200 kV Cryo-TEM
Detector: Gatan K3
Data collection: Leginon, Serial EM

FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit 120 kV TEM
Detector: Gatan Ultrascan 4000 CCD
Data collection: Leginon, manual

FEI Morgagni 100 kV TEM
Gatan Orius Camera
Data collection: manual

Aquilos 2 Cryo FIB-SEM
Batch milling, lift out, and
correlative fluorescence imaging

Sample Preparation Equipment

a blot-free vitrification device from SPT Labtech

 three automated plunge-freezing devices

Manual Plunger
a surprisingly popular low tech approach

Computational Infrastructure

Our lab shares a cluster with our friends in the Veesler Lab with an ever expanding number of CPU and GPU nodes, accessible to all lab members. We use a large variety of software packages, and keep adding new packages as they are developed. Some of our favorites include cryoSPARC, cisTEM, Relion, IMOD, Phenix.