
“The New Soviet Child” highlights children’s books of the late Russian Empire and the early Soviet Union. Rather than providing descriptions of the meaning behind the featured children’s books, we have instead made an interactive experience that allows you to decode the historical significance of the images. Each section will provide you with a brief contextual synopsis on the major political and cultural events of the time period. The main question we hope you ask yourself as you look over the exhibit is: how does this image relate to Soviet society during the decade it was published? If an image jumps out at you as particularly reflective of its time please leave a comment detailing the connection you have made, but don’t feel pressured to comment on every image. Feel free to start with the introduction and work your way through the 1930s or jump directly to the images that interest you most.


Please click on an image below to get started!

Introduction The 1920s The 1930s


An Interactive Exploration of Early 20th Century Russian and Soviet Children's Literature