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Writing, Research & Study Skills

Exterior of the Odegaard Library Writing and Research Center exterior.

Writing and research require iterative practice. As a graduate student, consider establishing a routine to write throughout the week (e.g. 15 min. every other day), seek constructive feedback from peers, faculty advisors, and librarians–then revise and repeat. Over time, you’ll see that you’re making progress on your project.

UW Graduate School

The UW Graduate School is dedicated to various forms of support for graduate students, including funding, development, the offering of interdisciplinary programs, and regular forms of communication and assessment. Whether you are a new or a continuing graduate student, you can find many resources within the UW Graduate School to help you traverse your academic journey.

  • Graduate School Core Programs. This sub-unit offers resources, workshops and events that can better prepare grad students for writing, research, and studying.

Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D) and GSEE

OMA&D is a UW Seattle unit that works to increase diversity on campus and enrich collegiate experiences for all UW students. Its resources and services for UW students include:

OMA&D also works with other important Seattle campus entities tied to student diversity and success, including Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE). GSEE is committed to enhancing equity and social progression to promote the success of graduate students impacted by racism and its intersections (intersections include sexism, homophobia, ableism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination):

Odegaard Writing & Research Center (OWRC)

The OWRC is an office located in the Odegaard Undergraduate Library (UW Seattle) that provides writing & research tutors at all stages of research & writing, including graduate students. Key services include

UW Bothell Writing & Communication Center (WaCC)

The WaCC is part of UW Bothell’s Academic Learning Commons (ALC) and supports undergraduate and graduate students at any stage of the reading, writing, or presentation process, for various tasks including classes, publications, and job applications. Support options include:

UW Tacoma Writing Center

The UWT Writing Center is a part of the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), and provides writing support and resources for all stages of the process.

Other Useful Resources

  • National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). UW graduate students can activate a free membership to the NCFDD to access free tips and strategies for increasing your writing and research productivity.
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). The Purdue OWL site is a favorite of researchers and librarians alike for its detailed yet easy-to-understand explanations of writing conventions, subject-specific expectations, and popular citation formats.
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