M3D students in their tenure have founded campus, school of medicine, department, and program-wide organizations. Some of which are featured below for a complete list of campus Registered Student Organizations (RSO) – please see the RSO directory.
M3D Professional Development Committee
M3D Professional Development Committee led by Rachel Cunningham, Cassie Winter, Alex Reers , and Brooke Kennedy organize professional development programming for M3D students and other DLMP graduate students, postdocs, and researchers. They lead and produce, with assistance of M3D Staff – Isabella Azar and Megan Barker, three major categories of events–
Beer & Science – Monthly research presentations held at SLU, meetings are intended provide a comfortable setting for current graduate students and researchers of DLMP to practice public speaking and receive feedback from their peers on their research. The meetings will be the first week of the month and feature snacks & beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) to enjoy while sharing your research. See emails from m3d@uw.edu and the M3D calendar for details.
Lunch and Learns – A series of interactive seminars 1-2x per academic quarter where current senior M3D students and faculty volunteer to teach skills to more junior and first year students previously covered in the PATH 511 course. This seminar series will allow M3D students the opportunity to learn essential skills that will help them during their PhD study and beyond. Intended to be held on main campus in HSB or HSEB buildings. See emails from m3d@uw.edu and the M3D calendar for details.
M3D Alumni Talks – Series of talks by M3D alumni in a diversity of different career paths. The goal of the presentations are how the individual identified that career path of interest, the steps they took to reach their position, and skills they found important along the way. Aim to be quarterly on UW SLU campus. See emails from m3d@uw.edu and the M3D calendar for details.

Rachel Cunningham
PhD Candidate
Adair lab

Cassie Winter
PhD Candidate
Seshadri lab

Alex Reers
PhD Candidate
Cheung lab

Brooke Kennedy
PhD Student
Seshadri Lab
HuSCI – Husky Science Communication Initiative
Founded by M3D Alumna Dr. Arianna Gomez and now Co-Directed by M3D students Tori Tappen and Brooke Kennedy, and Rasika Venkataraman serves as secretary. HuSci has the mission to:
Help young students build scientific curiosity and confidence through hands-on, hypothesis-based activities.
Build relationships between young students and scientists from diverse backgrounds.
Help young students, especially those from groups who have been excluded from the sciences, maintain an interest in STEM subject

Tori Tappen
HuSci Co-Director
PhD Candidate
Seshadri lab

Brooke Kennedy
HuSci Co-Director
PhD Student
Seshadri lab

Rasika Venkataraman
HuSci Secretary
PhD Candidate
Lee lab (Fred Hutch)