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Kiflezghi, Michael

Program: M3D PhD Program
Entry Year: Autumn 2016
Previous Institution/Degree: Virginia Commonwealth University
Department: Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Lab PI: Matt Kaeberlein, PhD
Box Number: 357470

Research Focus

Molecular Mechanisms of Aging


Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP) Research Assistant Award, (2016-2017)

GO-MAP Presidential Scholars Award, (2016-2017)


Lee, M. B., Dowsett, I. T., Carr, D. T., Wasko, B. M., Stanton, S. G., Chung, M. S., Ghodsian, N., Bode, A., Kiflezghi, M. G., Uppal, P. A., Grayden, K. A., elala, Y. C., Tang, T. T., Tran, N. H. B., Tran, T. H. B., Diep, A. B., Hope, M., Promislow, D. E. L., Kennedy, S. R., Kaeberlein, M., Herr, A. J. (2018). Defining the impact of mutation accumulation on replicative lifespan in yeast using cancer-associated mutator phenotypes. PNAS 116:3062-3071

Carine, B., Dinatto, L., Wasko, B., Chen, R. B., VanValkenburg, L., Kiflezghi, M. G., Lee, M.B., Promislow, D. E. L., Dang, W., Kaeberlein, M., & Labunskyy, V. M. (2018). A genetic screen identifies adaptive aneuploidy as a key mediator of ER stress resistance in yeast. PNAS 115:9586–9591

Lee, M. B., Carr, D. T., Kiflezghi, M. G., Zhao, Y. T., Kim, D. B., Thon, S., Moore, M. D., Li, M. A. K., Kaeberlein, M. (2017). A system to identify inhibitors of mTOR signaling using high-resolution growth analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GeroScience, 1-10. doi: 10.1007/s11357-017-9988-4