
Logo for the MatsuLab combining elements of a red tree, computational node links, and actin filaments (as roots). text: akaMATSU Lab, Established in 2022.

A current list of our publications can be found on Google Scholar.


Steps Towards an Infrastructure for Scholarly Synthesis. Joel Chan, Matthew Akamatsu, David Vargas, Lukas Kawerau and Michael Gartner.  ArXiv abs/2407.20666

Overview of the Context24 Shared Task on Contextualizing Scientific Claims. Chan, Chu Sern Joel, Aakanksha Naik, Matthew Akamatsu, Hanna Bekele, Erin Bransom, Ian Campbell and Jenna Sparks.  Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (2024)

Local Monomer Levels and Established Filaments Potentiate Non-Muscle Myosin 2 Assembly, Melissa A. Quintanilla, Hiral Patel, Huini Wu, Kem A. Sochacki, Matthew Akamatsu, Jeremy D. Rotty, F. Korobova, J. Bear, Justin W. Taraska, P. Oakes, Jordan R. Beach, Journal of Cell Biology 223 (4): e202305023.


Building the next generation of virtual cells to understand cellular biology. Johnson, Graham T., Eran Agmon, Matthew Akamatsu, Emma Lundberg, Blair Lyons, Wei Ouyang, Omar A. Quintero-Carmona, Susanne M. Rafelski and Rick Horwitz. Biophysical journal 122(18):3560-3569


Mechanistic insights into actin force generation during vesicle formation from cryo-electron tomography, Serwas Daniel, Akamatsu Matthew, Moayed Amir, Vegesna Karthik, Vasan Ritvik, Hill Jennifer M., Schöneberg Johannes, Davies Karen M., Rangamani Padmini, and Drubin David G., Developmental Cell 57, 1132-1145.e5

Load adaptation by endocytic actin networks, Charlotte Kaplan, Sam J. Kenny, Xuyan Chen, Johannes Schöneberg, Ewa Sitarska, Alba Diz-Muñoz, Matthew Akamatsu, Ke Xu, David G. Drubin, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 33 (6), ar50

Value of models for membrane budding, Lee Christopher T., Akamatsu Matthew, and Rangamani Padmini, Current Opinion in Cell Biology 71, 38-45


Principles of self-organization and load adaptation by the actin cytoskeleton during clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Akamatsu Matthew, Vasan Ritvik, Serwas Daniel, Ferrin Michael A., Rangamani Padmini, and Drubin David G., eLife 9, e49840

A mechanical model reveals that non-axisymmetric buckling lowers the energy barrier associated with membrane neck constriction, Vasan R, Rudraraju S, Akamatsu M, Garikipati K, and Rangamani P, Soft Matter 16 (3), 784-797


Membrane curvature underlies actin reorganization in response to nanoscale surface topography, Lou Hsin-Ya, Zhao Wenting, Li Xiao, Duan Liting, Powers Alexander, Akamatsu Matthew, Santoro Francesca, Mcguire Allister F., Cui Yi, Drubin David G., et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (46), 23143-23151, (2019)

Intracellular Membrane Trafficking: Modeling Local Movements in Cells, Vasan, Ritvik, Akamatsu Matthew, Schöneberg Johannes, and Rangamani Padmini, Cell Movement 1788, Cham, p.259–301, (2018)

Genome-edited human stem cells expressing fluorescently labeled endocytic markers allow quantitative analysis of clathrin-mediated endocytosis during differentiation, Dambournet Daphné, Sochacki Kem A., Cheng Aaron T., Akamatsu Matthew, Taraska Justin W., Hockemeyer Dirk, and Drubin David G., The Journal of Cell Biology 217 (9), 3301-3311, (2018)

Nanoscale manipulation of membrane curvature for probing endocytosis in live cells, Zhao Wenting, Hanson Lindsey, Lou Hsin-Ya, Akamatsu Matthew, Chowdary Praveen D., Santoro Francesca, Marks Jessica R., Grassart Alexandre, Drubin David G., Cui Yi, et al., Nature Nanotechnology 12 (8), 750-756 (2017)

Analysis of interphase node proteins in fission yeast by quantitative and superresolution fluorescence microscopy, Akamatsu Matthew, Lin Yu, Bewersdorf Joerg, and Pollard Thomas D., Molecular Biology of the Cell 28 (23), 3203-3214 (2017)

The septation initiation network controls the assembly of nodes containing Cdr2p for cytokinesis in fission yeast, Pu Kai-Ming, Akamatsu Matthew, and Pollard Thomas D., Journal of Cell Science 128 (3), 441-446 (2015)

Cytokinetic nodes in fission yeast arise from two distinct types of nodes that merge during interphase, Akamatsu Matthew, Berro Julien, Pu Kai-Ming, Tebbs Irene R., and Pollard Thomas D., The Journal of Cell Biology 204 (6), 977-988 (2014)

Measuring Affinities of Fission Yeast Spindle Pole Body Proteins in Live Cells across the Cell Cycle, McCormick Chad D., Akamatsu Matthew S., Ti Shih-Chieh, and Pollard Thomas D., Biophysical Journal 105 (6), 1324-1335 (2013)