Bridging the Gap Between Industry/Community and Academia
Analytics Innovations Hub
What is the Analytics Innovations Hub?
The Analytics Innovations Hub is a one stop location where industry and academia intersect to create advancements in data and analytics. The AI Hub aims to connect students, academics, and industry professionals so that they can combine their strengths and solve issues while benefitting each other in the process.
In less than 6 years, we co-created value with
The AI Hub creates value for
- Create projects with real-world applications
- Gain industry experience
- Work with cutting-edge, cloud-based, smart technology solutions
- Cultivate your professional development and networking skills
- Learn from students’ creative, out of the box thinking
- Get to know top students for recruitment
- Upskill individuals and organizations through education programs
- Create a community of practice and solve problems
Scholars and Industry Practitioners
- Stay connected with industry
- Collaborate with experts to address community problems and challenges
- Get the chance to join our team of accomplished professional education program instructors and academic professionals
Community/Industry & Academia Partnerships
We partner with businesses and organizations who want to create solutions to challenging problems, or are seeking data-driven insights. A team of leading MSBA students, faculty advisors, and experts collaborate on the project and deliver results, including analysis, recommendations, dashboards, models, applications, prototypes, and digital solutions.
The Data and Analytics Academy offers Degree, Professional Development, and Executive Education programs in business and data analytics. Our programs are designed to be work-compatible and flexible no matter what pathway you choose to advance your career in this high demand field.
Technology Lab
The Virtual Analytics Innovation Lab provides a comprehensive technology ecosystem to students, staff and faculty to help them address the problems of today and tomorrow. It specializes in data analytics and innovation, and lets users access collections of software, processes, tools, and templates. These resources enable our community to analyze, design, and develop prototypes and proof of concept digital solutions in the fields of data analytics, data science, big data and cloud computing.
With its renowned research faculty, the Center for Business Analytics (CBA) designs and conducts cutting-edge analytics research that delivers business insights to organizations and academic progress to faculty and the CBA.
AI Insights Magazine
The Analytics Innovation Insights magazine is a platform where data enthusiasts can expand their knowledge through high quality articles, analysis, and case studies authored by faculty, students, and value network partners. Be sure to subscribe so that you can be up to date about the MSBA program, highlighted projects, alumni, CBA events, exciting workshops, news, and current industry trends.
Professional Development
Our goal is to provide a defined path, high quality resources, professional networking, and a variety of opportunities to students seeking a career in Data Analytics. Our career readiness program in Data, Analytics and AI is designed with diversity in mind and considers the needs of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. We also provide employment, internship, and volunteering opportunities within and beyond the program.
Applied Project Advisor Program
The Applied Project Advisor Program provides student project teams an opportunity to receive expert knowledge, feedback, and strategic direction for their projects. With their diverse expertise, our advisors help students navigate project challenges and offer workshops related to their field of study.
Startup Incubator
With our strong data analytics and digital technology innovation capacities, we are partnering with CoMotion ( to cultivate innovation development by students, researchers, and community partners. CoMotion is the University of Washington’s collaborative innovation hub dedicated to expanding the economic and societal impact of the UW community.
Startup Incubator Programs
What Our Partners Are Saying
“The MS Business Analytics (MSBA) program has been an incredible learning experience for me. With a background in Electronics and Communication Engineering and a Master’s degree in Data Analytics, this program provided me with the ideal combination of business acumen and analytical skills, preparing me for success in the dynamic field of data-driven decision-making. The MSBA program is a transformative journey that bridges the gap between my technical expertise and the strategic application of data analytics in business.”
Contact Us
Mailing address
Center for Business Analytics
Milgard School of Business
University of Washington Tacoma
Campus Box 358420
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma WA 98402-3100
Telephone | Fax
253-692-5630 | 253-692-4523
Web Page