In the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry, individuals like Pooja Jhobalia stand out as beacons of inspiration. Pooja, an MSBA Alumni from the class of 2022-23, currently serves as the Analytics Program Manager in the Center for Business Analytics. Her recent adventure at the Grace Hopper Celebration 2023 (#GHC2023) is a testament to her commitment to women in tech and her passion for fostering meaningful connections in the industry.

A Dynamic Gathering of Talent

The Grace Hopper Celebration, the largest gathering for women and non-binary individuals in tech, is an event pulsating with energy, potential, and extraordinary opportunities. Pooja’s journey at #GHC2023, made possible by the Centre for Business Analytics at the University of Washington Tacoma, was nothing short of remarkable.

Orlando, Florida, played host to approximately 30,000 tech enthusiasts who came together to celebrate Women in Tech. This four-day extravaganza was a whirlwind of activities, starting with an Open-Source Day and followed by a multitude of speaker sessions, community lounges, and brain dates. The event provided a platform to engage in stimulating conversations with industry experts on a diverse array of topics, ranging from GenAI, LLM, AI/ML, product management, career development, to women in tech leadership. For those looking to network and learn, #GHC2023 was a goldmine of opportunities.

A Unique Experience with a Purpose

One unique aspect of Pooja’s experience was the attention her booth received. Attendees were genuinely interested in the courses offered at the University of Washington Tacoma. Pooja was struck by the sheer number of students and early career professionals who were passionately working toward making a significant impact in the tech world. It was a powerful demonstration of the drive, commitment, and passion within these individuals, all dedicated to building a better working world.

Celebrating Success and Connection at Google’s After-Party

Pooja also had the privilege of attending Google’s exclusive after-party event. By invitation only, this event offered attendees two beverages, along with a delightful spread of food, music, photo booths, and ample networking opportunities. It was a celebration of the achievements of women in tech and a prime example of the connections that can be forged in such gatherings.

A Renewed Sense of Purpose


For Pooja, this was her first time attending #GHC, and she was genuinely moved by the abundance of talent and the determination of young minds eager to seize their next big opportunity. The experience left her with a renewed sense of purpose and a profound appreciation for the power of community, making her feel truly empowered.

However, she also noted a sense of disappointment. Some attendees, despite not identifying as women or non-binary, attended the conference with the sole intention of job hunting. This underscored the importance of respecting the core purpose of events like #GHC, which goes far beyond recruitment.

Pooja’s Key Takeaways

Pooja’s journey at #GHC2023 left her with valuable insights to share, inspiring self-reflection and personal growth:

  • Embrace Individuality: Pooja encourages everyone to embrace their unique selves and move away from monotonous introductions. Embracing individuality can open doors to new opportunities.

  • Keep an Open Mind: Don’t let the allure of big company names blind you. The best opportunities often come from unexpected places.

  • Uphold Integrity and Etiquette: When networking, always maintain your integrity and be mindful of the etiquette. Building meaningful connections goes beyond just handing out business cards.

  • Courtesy and Compassion: Remember, people are more than just their badges. Treat everyone with courtesy, kindness, and compassion.

In conclusion, Pooja Jhobalia‘s journey at Grace Hopper Celebration 2023 is a testament to the possibilities that lie within the tech industry and the profound impact individuals can make when they engage, learn, and inspire. Her story serves as an inspiration to all those seeking to make their mark in the ever-expanding world of technology.