Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Consortium
Center for Integrative Brain Research
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Institute on Human Development and Disability
University of Washington
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About Us

The Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Consortium (NDRC) is a collaboration between the Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) based at the University of Washington and the Center for Integrative Brain Research (CIBR) based at Seattle Children’s Research Institute. The overarching goal of the NDRC is to provide a forum for advancing basic and translational research and disseminating information to support evidence-based community practices in the field of developmental disabilities. Professionals representing numerous disciplines–including researchers, trainees, clinicians, and community members–constitute a communications network to address topics of high priority. The NDRC also works closely with practitioners, individuals with disabilities, family members, and community organizations in our region.

The NDRC website is essential in accomplishing our goals. Our NDRC series includes presentations by researchers and trainees, descriptions of core resources available to investigators, and methodological advances. Collaborative Research Areas constitute an important organizing framework for comprehensive presentations in the field of developmental disabilities.  Roundtable discussions focus on clinicians and community partners designed to establish long-term policy directions and innovative models of service. Of note, presentations incorporate issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.