Near and Middle Eastern Studies

Near and Middle Eastern Studies

The University of Washington Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Near and Middle Eastern Studies is designed for students who wish to pursue research with a comparative perspective in the following fields:

  • Near and Middle Eastern literature, culture, and languages (including Arabic, Hebrew, Persian [or Dari or Tajik], and Turkish and [Central Asian Turkic]);
  • Islamic topics, including Islamic law, history, institutions, theology, and mysticism;
  • Comparative religion of the Near and Middle East;
  • Interdisciplinary investigations of modern historical and contemporary topics using the social sciences.

The program is administered by an Interdisciplinary Graduate School group and led by Program Director Resat Kasaba, Professor in the Jackson School of International Studies. The program of studies includes courses offered in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, the Jackson School of International Studies and other departments on campus. Students in the program are required to take courses in both the humanities and social sciences.

Requests for further information and application materials

Interdisciplinary Programs

The Graduate School
Box 352192
University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2192
Please see our Admissions page for program guidelines.  For information on the online Graduate Admissions application process, access the online Graduate Admissions site.

For information on UW master’s programs in Middle Eastern studies, see Near Eastern Languages and Literature and Jackson School of International Studies, Middle East Studies.

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