January 8, 2021
Ayda Apa Pomeshikov and Gözde Burcu Ege Awarded Digital Humanities Fellowship
Congratulations to Ayda Apa Pomeshikov and Gözde Burcu Ege, who have both been awarded Digital Humanities Summer Fellowships to support their collaborative project “Digitized Ethnographies: Humanitarianism(s) and Forced Displacement in the Middle East.” The collaborative project will transfer compelling high points of Ayda’s and Burcu’s ethnographic dissertation research on humanitarian regimes in the South-South forced displacement contexts to a digital platform by using Omeka Classic and Neatline software. They will create an open access, interactive website to present their ethnographic findings by using visual media. The content production of this digital project will proceed along with their dissertation writing processes during the AY 2020-2021.