Near and Middle Eastern Studies


June 17, 2020

Busra Demirkol Awarded Benaroya Fellowship for AY 2020-2021

NMES PhD Student Busra Demirkol

Busra Demirkol has been awarded the Jack and Rebecca Benaroya Graduate Fellowship from Jewish Studies for the Academic Year 2020-2021.  With support of this fellowship, Ms. Demirkol will present a scholarly paper at a Stroum Center Graduate Research Symposium in Spring of 2021 and contribute a blog post to the Jewish Studies website. Ms. Demirkol is…

March 3, 2020

Burcu Ege Awarded Sawyer Seminar Fellowship

NMES PhD Candidate Burcu Ege

Burcu Ege has been awarded a Sawyer Seminar Pre-doctoral fellowship in conjunction with the Sawyer Seminar Humanitarianisms: Migrations and Care Through the Global South. During AY 2020-21, Ms. Ege will complete her dissertation, From Crises to Ordinary Precarity: Palestinian Youth as New Practitioners of Humanitarian Governance in Amman, Jordan, and participate in the organization of…

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