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Physical Activities After Cardiac Surgery
- Expect to be out of bed or sit up in chair at least 4 hours daily while in the hospital
- You will walk with nurses and physical therapists multiple times while in the hospital
- Expect needing walker at the beginning and progressive improvement in energy and stamina
- Your sternum needs time to heal after surgery. It is important to follow sternal precautions for at least 6 weeks after surgery. Refer to the video for details on how to perform activities with sternal precautions
- Local driving at 4 weeks post-op, highway driving 6 weeks post-op
- No driving while you are still taking narcotics as the medication can make you drowsy
- For 6 weeks after surgery, no weight lifting more than five pounds each hand and ten pounds both hands
- It is normal to encounter differences or difficulties with sexual activities after surgery. Please feel free to ask your care team for any questions
- Refer to “Exercise after Heart Surgery” document for more information on sternal precautions