This page does not apply to students from UW School of Medicine, UW School of Nursing, and MEDEX students. These students are covered by the Health Service Immunization program as executed by the Castle Branch.
All other students: Please have the following requirements ready to send to Please note that these employee health requirements may delay your start date.
Click this link to see where you can get some of these vaccinations completed: Helpful Vaccination and Immunization Locations
Like any medical professional in our clinical environment, you are required to fulfill immunization and tuberculosis screening requirements to keep you and our patients safe.
You are required to be in compliance with all employee health requirements before you start in the clinic.
Steps to complete Immunization and Tuberculosis screening:
- Onboarding forms
- TB Risk Assessment and Symptom Survey
- Provide vaccination OR positive titers.
- 3 dose Hepatitis B series AND Positive Hepatitis B Titer
NOTE: Only if you will have direct patient care/exposure to blood and body fluids
- 3 dose Hepatitis B series AND Positive Hepatitis B Titer
- 2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccination OR positive titer
- 2 doses of MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination OR positive titer
- 1 dose of Tdap vaccination
- 1 dose of Tetanus/ Diphtheria vaccination no older than 10 years
- Influenza – required October – April
- Covid initial vaccine series AND bivalent booster
Helpful links:
Access your Family’s Immunization Information | Washington State Department of Health
Tips for Locating Old Immunization Records (
- Tuberculosis Screening
TB blood test (Tspot or QuantiFERON TB) no older than 90 days prior to start date OR 2 step TB skin test (= 2 skin tests done 7 days apart).
If your last TB test is within 90 days of your start date OR your last TB skin test within 12 months of your start date, please provide documentation.
If you have documented history of a positive TB blood test, please send a chest x ray report taken after your positive test.
Please email as PDF to or fax your documents to EH at 206-520-0403.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email
Janet Bessel, RN MSN
(pronouns: she/hers)
UWNC Employee Health Services
UW Medicine Primary Care and Population Health
UW Primary Care Clinics | UW Medicine
Fax: 206.520.0403