Congratulations to all of this year’s graduates!
Students in the Division of Politics, Philosophy & Public Affairs (PPPA) featured prominently at this year’s graduation event, held June 13th on the Puyallup Fairgrounds.
Politics Philosophy & Economics student Kristina Pogosian was elected by her peers to serve as this year’s commencement speaker.
The Chancellor’s Medal, given to one UWT student selected for their extraordinary achievement and inspirational leadership, went to Law & Policy senior Bengisu Cicek. Andre Jimenez earned this year’s prestigious President’s Medal, which is given to the graduating senior with the most distinguished academic record. As ASUWT President, Andre also served as a speaker at the ceremony.
Also featured during the graduation festivities were Law & Policy major Selena Caldera, a veteran and political activist who now heads to Emery Law School; Law & Policy major
Chanise Jackson, who during her UWT was awarded the Truman Scholar, a Bamford Fellowship, and was elected to the ASUWT; and Politics, Philosophy & Economics major
Kevin Yuan-Liu, who is heading off to the University of Oregon’s Law School.
This year we also celebrated the graduation of our first Economics & Policy Major. Michael Price will be starting his MPA degree at UW’s Evan School in the fall.
Congratulations to the entire class for your many and varied accomplishments.