Study abroad in China this summer

DragonThis summer, UW Tacoma students will be joining Professor Mary Hanneman (PPPA) and Professor Yi Li (Tacoma Community College) on a four-week study abroad program to Lanzhou, China.  Students will study Mandarin Chinese along with Chinese history and culture for three weeks at Lanzhou University.  The study abroad program will conclude with a one-week trip to the ancient Silk Road city of Dunhuang, site of some of early Chinese Buddhism’s most important grotto murals, followed by a two-day stay in the vibrant Chinese capital of Beijing.  If  you are interested in signing up, contact Mary Hanneman (

Professors Kayaoglu and Baird weigh in on Turkey’s school system

The December 2013 release of the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results revealed Turkey to be among a handful of countries witnessing rapid improvement in their educational system.  Based on PISA results, Professors Turan Kayaoglu and Katie Baird published an oped in Turkey’s daily paper Today’s Zaman, calling for further reform of Turkey’s educational system.