Three faculty gain new positions

Our loss is sozbaraschuk_michael_photo_2013meone else’s gain.  Three of our faculty members will be leaving at the end of the year to pursue other opportunities.  Prof. Michael Zbaraschuck (left), a lecturer in Religious Studies, has been teaching for us for three years.  He has just been awarded a tenure track position down the road at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU).   “Although I’m excited to pursue new professional opportunities at PLUbennett_daniel_photo_2013, I’ll miss my students and colleagues here at UW Tacoma.”   Prof. Daniel Bennett (right) also gained a tenure track position in Political Science at Eastern Kentucky University.  Dan is teaching public law classes for us this year, and commented:  “I have relished the opportunity to teach at UW Tacoma, mainly because of the students — the diversity of backgrounds, bradexperiences, and perspectives I have encountered in the classroom is incredible.”  Finally, Brad McHose (left) recently accepted a Visiting Scholar position at the Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford University, and will be heading south this summer.  Brad has taught courses in ethics and philosophy for us over the last two years.  We will miss all three of them, but wish them well with their new positions.