….New faculty members joining us

We’re delighted that Seyed Karimi will be joining PPPA faculty this fall. Karimi, an economist, earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic, his MS in IndustriSeyedKarimi_000al Engineering from the Institute for Research in Planning and Development in Tehran, and his PhD. in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  “I am interested in issues in welfare, health, gender, and religion economics in the context of both developing and developed countries. My passion for understanding the economic implications of society’s norms and institutions and socioeconomic consequences of policy interventions inspires my current research agenda, drives my teaching, and will shape my future inquiries. The interdisciplinary aspect of my academic activities is in line with the mission of IAS at the University of Washington Tacoma. Therefore, I am very enthusiastic to be a member of the school.”  We look forward to his arrival this summer.

Also joining us is Eric Bugyis, who recently earned his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Yale University. His research focuses on the intersection of modern religioE Bugyis - Headshotus thought and critical theory. He is particularly interested in contemporary constructions of “secular” and “religious” persons and publics, and the political and cultural mobilization of these categories in the service of both “conservative” and “progressive” ends. For the past five years, Eric has been an adjunct instructor at the University of Notre Dame where he has taught courses on the history of philosophy and Christian theology. At UW Tacoma, he’ll be teaching courses on Religion in the Modern World, Comparative Religion, and  Philosophy of Religion, as well as developing new courses at the intersection of religion, culture, and society.

Ann Frost will be joining PPPA next year as a lecturer in American Politics.  Ann has a JD from the University of Washington and is currently completing her PhD in Political Science a1401647995802[1]t the University of Washington, Seattle.  Having practiced law as a public defender for the past 14 years, her expertise is in the politics of the criminal justice system, the politics of race and ethnicity, and American politics.  Her research focuses on state drug sentencing policies, the War on Drugs and their effect on racial minorities.  Next year she will teach courses in American Politics, Media and US Politics, Race and Ethnicity, and State Government, and will also teach our two internship courses.  Says Ann:  “I am incredibly excited to be joining the community at UW Tacoma next year. As long time Seattle residents, my family and I truly appreciate and respect the opportunity to be part of this campus and community.”

Annual PPPA student-faculty softball game

IMG_0620In what has become an annual ritual, students and faculty engaged in a hotly contested game of softball at Tacoma’s Vassault Park this May.  We all enjoyed the sun and warm breezes blowing in from left field, and a fine game of softball followed by a BBQ.  After four successive years of defeat, the students this year came out determined to win.  And win they did!  It was a close game, but graduating Law and Policy senioIMG_0613-1 (2)r Grady Heins squashed the faculty’s early celebrations by socking a second home run, this one a three-run blast in the bottom of the ninth with two outs, allowing students to eke out a hard-fought but well-earned victory against us. Since alumni play for the faculty team, we look forward to having Grady on our side next year.

Three faculty gain new positions

Our loss is sozbaraschuk_michael_photo_2013meone else’s gain.  Three of our faculty members will be leaving at the end of the year to pursue other opportunities.  Prof. Michael Zbaraschuck (left), a lecturer in Religious Studies, has been teaching for us for three years.  He has just been awarded a tenure track position down the road at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU).   “Although I’m excited to pursue new professional opportunities at PLUbennett_daniel_photo_2013, I’ll miss my students and colleagues here at UW Tacoma.”   Prof. Daniel Bennett (right) also gained a tenure track position in Political Science at Eastern Kentucky University.  Dan is teaching public law classes for us this year, and commented:  “I have relished the opportunity to teach at UW Tacoma, mainly because of the students — the diversity of backgrounds, bradexperiences, and perspectives I have encountered in the classroom is incredible.”  Finally, Brad McHose (left) recently accepted a Visiting Scholar position at the Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford University, and will be heading south this summer.  Brad has taught courses in ethics and philosophy for us over the last two years.  We will miss all three of them, but wish them well with their new positions.