Spring seminar series on Middle East and Africa

In April PPPA hosted political analyst and essayist Mr. Faisal Roble (below center) of the Institute for Horn of Africa Studies and Affairs. His lecture, entitled “Post Civil War roble7Soma­lia:  Chal­lenges and Oppor­tu­ni­ties,” was well attended, and kicked off the first of several meetings and engagements he held with the UWT and Somali communities over a three-day period.  His visit was jointly sponsored by UW Tacoma Arts & Lectures Committee and the Somali Student Association at UW Tacoma.  As part of the same series, Dr. Nader Hashemi, Associate Professor Of Middle East and Islamic Studies and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies,  visited UWT in May to discuss current events in Iran and the Geneva Nuclear Deal.  His presentation can be accessed via this link: Dr. Nader Hashemi at UW Tacoma

Professor Hashemi keynote speaker in Middle East and Africa seminar

PPPA’s seminar series focusing on the Middle East and Africa continues this Spring with a keynoteNader Hashemi photo address by Professor Nader Hashemi (right) of the University of Denver (UD).  Prof. Hashemi is an Associate Professor of Middle East and Islamic Studies at UD’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies. He is also Director of UD’s Center for Middle East Studies, and the author of several books on politics and the Middle East.  As a frequent guest on national television and radio shows, and with opinion pieces in places such as the New York Times, Prof. Hashemi has quickly become one of the most sought after experts on the Middle East.  His address is titled “Is Hassan an Iranian Gorbachev? An Assessment of the Islamic Republic after the Geneva Nuclear Deal.” This talk will take place May 7th at 4 pm in the Tacoma Room.

Also on tap spring quarter:  The distinguished Mr. Faisal Roble of the Institute for Roblethe Horn of Africa Studies will be visiting the UW Tacoma campus.  Mr. Roble (left) is a well-respected intellectual, political analyst, and essayist with extensive experience in Africa’s Horn region.  He will be delivering a lecture entitled “Post Civil War Somalia:  Challenges and Opportunities,”  on April 10th at 4 pm  in the Carwein Auditorium.  UW Seattle’s James Long (below), Assistant Professor of Political Science and an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, will follow this up with a talk on Long“Electoral Fraud and Political Violence in Africa.”  Prof. Long’s research focuses on elections in fragile and developing countries, the dynamics of electoral fraud, the causes of electoral violence, and the effects of civil war and insurgency on state-building and development.  Long studies these issues in both sub-Saharan Africa and Afghanistan, and will be speaking on campus April 23rd, 12:30 pm in CP 103. Rounding out the spring schedule will be our own Michael Wotherspoon, a senior in Law and Policy, who will discuss “The Press, Ethnicity and Free Speech in Kyrgyzstan”.  His talk will be based on his experiences in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan where he’s been working for Spektator Magazine.  May 29th, 12:30 pm in the Tacoma Room.  Thanks to both IAS and UW Tacoma’s Arts and Lecturer Committee for making these events possible.     Continue reading