The Q Center’s Past and Present
In 1999, student activists raised concerns about the lack of safe spaces for queer and trans students at UW, prompting a call to action. After six years of careful planning, steadfast advocacy, and dedicated community-building, the Q Center officially opened in 2005.
Since its founding, the Q Center has grown rapidly, reflecting the increasing demand for its services and the community’s commitment to our mission. For almost 20 years, the Q Center has served as the go-to resource for queer and trans students at the University of Washington, offering support, advocacy, mentoring, and so much more. We consult with campus departments to enhance safety and belonging for queer students and we coordinate a variety of programs, social events, and educational initiatives.
The Q Center is proudly funded by the Services and Activities Fee (SAF), a student-levied fund that supports programs designed to enhance students’ out-of-class experiences. The SAF committee plays a key role in providing the financial backing that allows the Q Center to expand its services, ensuring that we continue to meet the evolving needs of the UW community.