Stay tuned for an updated version of this resource!
Delta Lambda Phi – Psi Chapter
DLP is the University of Washington’s only greek organization for gay, bisexual, transgender, and progressive men and non-binary individuals. We are an organization that is open to all men and nonbinary collegians who share our values and want to find connection in a space where folks can bring, and be, their full authentic selves.
Contact Info
Meeting Info
We host weekly fellowships! More information will be forthcoming on our socials!
Gal Palz
Gal Palz is a social group, with the goal of forming a greater sense of community amongst the queer women, non-binary, and trans students of UW. We will engage in both education and recreation, with a focus on inclusivity and community building.
Contact Info
Meeting Info
Fall quarter we meet every other Tuesday (10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/6) at 5:30 in Hub 340
Modality aims to foster space for LGBTQ+ creatives of color at the University of Washington. We host a variety of events such as workshops and vendor fairs that centers art created by QTBIPOC, as well as host social events to create a space that uplifts our members.
Contact Info
Meeting Info
In THO 134 every few fridays (check social media for updates) from 5:30-7:30!
Queer People of Color Alliance (QPOCA UW)
QPOCA UW is a discussion circle that focuses on storytelling during our meeting times to tackle queer-related issues that alter to the experiences of being a person of color. Meetings are aimed to relax, socialize, chat, and to build sustained queer communities of color on campus. Discussion topics in the past include romance, familyhood, hustle culture, queer media, self/ community belongings, and more.
Queer Student Commission
The QSC is one of several diversity commissions under the ASUW, our student government here on campus. We’re a student-run organization that aims to empower the LGBTQ+ community at the university.
Student group for LGBTQ+ students and allies within the Allen School.
Contact Info
Meeting Info
Events will be announced on Instagram and website.
We are the LGBTQIA+ law student organization!
Contact Info
Meeting Info
Once a month, Room TBA
The Trans Collective at University of Washington
The Trans Collective at UW aims to foster trans joy and resilience through community building and the dismantling of cisnormative ideals. We offer a variety of programming including group volunteering opportunities, community art initiatives, social events designed for trans folks, and help with local resource navigation.
Contact Info
Meeting Info
In MEB 248 every other Tuesday starting Oct. 11th 6:30-8pm.
The Q Center and all of our programming is funded by the Student Services and Activities Fee.