Q Center

February 23, 2021

On-campus Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Resource Repository > > On-campus Gender Neutral Bathrooms

NOTE: This list is out of date as of 2024. For an accurate list of gender-neutral restrooms on UW campus, please view our new list here.

Since opening in 2004, the Q Center consistently advocates for increasing UW’s number of gender-neutral, parent-friendly, and physically accessible bathrooms on our Seattle campus. We worked intensively with a very receptive University of Washington administration in order to develop a comprehensive and sustainable plan to increase our numbers of accessible bathroom facilities.  In the spring of 2011, the Q Center and the Office of Student Life, secured capital financing through the Office of Planning and Budget to start a bathroom renovations project at the center of UW’s Seattle campus. This renovation project assures that there will be a gender-neutral, accessible bathroom in almost every building within a centralized campus.

Find the nearest gender-neutral bathroom to you here.

Or peruse the list below of current* gender-neutral bathrooms on campus:

Aerospace Engineering Research Building (AERB) Basement, single-stall with lock; 1st floor, single-stall w/lock, labeled women’s; 2nd floor, unisex single-stall w/lock, wheelchair accessible; 3rd floor, single-stall w/lock, labeled women’s; 4th floor, single-stall w/lock, labeled women’s
Anderson Hall (AND) 2nd floor, single-stall, labeled “Private Faculty/Staff Bathroom”
Architecture Hall (ARC) 2nd floor, 1 stall, wheelchair accessible
Art Building (ART) 1st floor, Room 111; Basement, one near Stair #4 and one near Room 9
Benson Hall (BNS) 3rd floor rest area, 2 single stalls
Brooklyn Building 1st floor, Room 129, unisex restroom
Burke Museum Main exhibit floor, unisex restroom
Communications Building (CMU) Basement, 1 urinal, and 1 stall
Cunningham Hall 1st floor, Rooms 102 and 201, accessible unisex restrooms
Denny Hall (DEN) gender-neutral bathroom
Eagleson Hall (EGL) Gendered bathrooms that could be converted to gender-neutral; 1st floor, Room 168, single-stall, labeled women’s; 3rd floor, Room 309, single-stall, labeled women’s
Engineering Library 4th floor, single occupancy ADA restrooms with locks
eScience Studio – WRF Data Science Studio 6th floor, 2 single-stall unisex bathrooms with locks
Fishery Science Building (FSH) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors; 2 single stalls on each
Foege Hall Foege N402
Gould Hall (GLD) Basement, single occupancy with changing station
Gowen Hall (GWN) 2nd floor, single-stall
Guthrie Hall (GTH) Basement floor, single-stall
Hall Health Ground floor, 1st floor; 2 single occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms on each; A-wing, rooms A312 and A313; B-Wing, rooms B136; D-wing, room D048; F-wing, rooms F044, F668, and F669; G-wing, rooms G162 and G164; I-wing, rooms I303 and I403; RR-wing, room RR113; T-wing, rooms T200G, T266, T268, T336, T749, and T751
Health Sciences Building (HSB) 2nd floor, T-wing, 3 single occupancy rooms with locks
Hughes Penthouse Theatre (HPT) 20H (off the lobby), unisex restroom
Husky Union Building (HUB) 3rd floor, single-stall, wheelchair accessible
Hutchinson Hall (HUT) 2nd floor, 2 gender-neutral bathrooms
Isaacson Hall (ISA) 2 single stalls, not wheelchair accessible
Mackenzie Hall (MKZ) Room 340, 1 stall and 1 urinal with a lock on the door
McCarty Hall 1st floor, lobby area, unisex bathroom
Meany Hall East end of dance studio hall by the water fountain, 2 unisex restrooms (one single occupancy, one public with two stalls)
Mechanical Engineering Building (MEB) Faculty gender-neutral restroom
Mercer Hall 1st floor of both east and west buildings, accessible unisex restrooms
Ocean Sciences Building (OCN) 2nd floor, single-stall with lock, wheelchair accessible, labeled gender-neutral
Oceanography Building (OCE) 1st floor, single-stall, wheelchair accessible; 3rd floor, 2 stalls
Ocean Teaching Building (OTB) 1st floor, single-stall, labeled women’s; Basement, 2 single stalls, labeled male and female, wheelchair accessible
Parrington Hall (PAR) 3rd floor, single-stall, additional single stall labeled as women’s; Basement, single-stall (Evans School students only)
Plant Laboratory (PLT) 1st floor, accessible unisex restroom
Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors; 1 single-stall on each
Savery Hall (SAV) 2nd floor Mezzanine, single-stall; 3rd floor Mezzanine, single-stall
School of Social Work (SSW) 2nd floor, 2 stalls
Suzallo Library Ground floor, G-050D
William H. Gates Hall (LAW) single stall, open til 5pm; multi-stall gender-neutral bathroom
Wilson Annex (WLA) 1st floor, unisex restroom

* This is a working list, last updated February 6, 2020. Email qcenter@uw.edu with any updates.

The Ave Project

The Q Center, with assistance from community advocates, is putting together a list of public bathrooms on the Ave and surrounding area. The main goals of this project are to identify gender-neutral bathrooms so that this information can be passed on to UW students, faculty, staff and visitors and to identify gender-segregated single-stall bathrooms in order to press those establishments to remove gendered signage.

If you have a moment, please add a few locations to this Google Doc! Thanks!