
Welcome to the Quantitative Flow Visualization for Fluid and Turbulent Flow Studies Laboratory at the University of Washington.  Our focus is to innovate on novel measurement systems, most recently 2D and 3D Digital Particle Tracking Velocimetry (2DPTV & 3DPTV), with the goal of obtaining high-resolution and global measurements of fluid flows that have previously not been possible. Such data allows us the opportunity to reveal new in-depth fundamental understandings in fluid mechanics that would have otherwise not been possible. Our lab research interests are applying these methodologies towards studies in:

  • Aerodynamics
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Laminar and turbulent boundary layers, transition, separation, and flow control
  • Experimental approaches to turbulence modeling
  • Wake flows
  • Micro-flows and cardiovascular flows
  • Aero-acoustics

Particle Tracking Velocimetry

Particle Tracking Velocimetry book cover

Recent News

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