Words that ring true to this day: “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so”.
-Galileo Galilei
Development and Implementation of Advanced Fluid Imaging Diagnostics
To further develop Defocusing Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DDPIV) methodology, we have derived a full three-dimensional characterization of Defocusing Digital Particle Image Velocimetry and have overcome the limitations of the single camera DDPIV system, by developing a color-coded backlighted system. Furthermore, we have extended this approach by developing a novel 3D particle tracking velocimetry (3DPTV) that identifies overlapped particles, thereby allowing for increased spatial resolution.
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Examples of visualizations of free surface deformation using the free surface deformation gradient technique; heated vortex ring using micro-encapsulated liquid crystal particles; and vertical sheer deformations.
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Completed: Vertical Display Case Air Curtain Optimization
This collaborative effort among the UW, Kettering University, and Southern California Edison, studied air curtains, their entrainments, and their infiltration as applied to vertical open display cases, which are commonly found in supermarket stores nationwide. The goal is to ascertain the conditions that would minimize ambient warm air infiltration into the vertical display cases, so as to minimize the energy consumption of the display cases. As vertical display cases are used nationwide, we will therefore be able to reduce the national energy burden in this area. Also see “The Matrix-Chilled” from Kettering University.
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- Past, Present, and Future Research Toward Air Curtain Performance Optimization (2005)
- The Application of Advanced Methods in Analyzing the Performance of the Air Curtain in a Refrigerated Display Case (2002)