What’s March 7?
The deadline for most of the ALA scholarships! The exception is the Spectrum scholarship, whose deadline is March 1, 2019.
Some of the scholarships listed on the page are historical and no longer being offered, but the following are all accepting applications for students attending in 2019-20.
Tom and Roberta Drewes Scholarship
Miriam L. Hornback Scholarship
Christopher Hoy/ERT Scholarship
Alfred Steele $3000 Scholarship
Get more at https://www.helptostudy.com/alfred-steele-3000-scholarship/
Application Deadline: January 31, 2022
Toby Wright Scholarship Fund for New Mexico Students Get more at https://www.helptostudy.com/toby-wright-scholarship-fund-for-new-mexico-students/
Application Deadline: Open
#helptostudy #Students #USA #University #Scholarships #NewMexico
Some of the scholarships listed on the page are historical and no longer being offered, but the following are all accepting applications for students attending in 2019-20.
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