Getting Involved: New Members Round Table

The New Members Round Table (NMRT) is the best place to start your involvement in the ALA. NMRT is for members who have joined ALA within the last 10 years. It assists its members with navigating the larger ALA and finding their footing.

Things you can do as a member of the NMRT:
Get leadership training and experience
Develop professional development habits
Find out about scholarships for attending conferences

Membership is $10/yr for student ALA members

What next?
join the NMRT listserv to get the latest news on scholarships and other opportunities
-stay up-to-date on NMRT blog, Twitter, and news at
-read issues of Endnotes, the NMRT journal
-attend an NMRT event at the Midwinter or Annual Conference
join a committee

If you are already an ALA member (or joint state/ALA member), here’s how to join a Round Table:
Go to and sign in.
Click the Add New Round Tables button.
Select the Round Table(s) you want to add.
Scroll to the bottom and click Review.
Follow the subsequent payment prompts.

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