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Become a Registered sALA Member

Students gather in the plaza at UW Bothell campus on the first day of fall classes. They look over tables set up with RSO groups on campus.

Join the University of Washington’s Registered Student Organization for the American Library Association – we have open leadership positions and are accepting new members.  You do not need an ALA membership to join.

Register through HuskyLink


Become a Student ALA Member

A student is sitting at a table in Suzzallo Library, barely visible behind the rows of shelves.

Join over 8,000 other students interested in all aspects of the library and information profession who have taken advantage of the opportunity to join the American Library Association for a yearly membership fee!

For a fraction of the cost of regular dues you will receive all the benefits, resources, discount offerings, and privileges of personal membership in ALA. You can also become a joint member of ALA and your state chapter for only $46 per year.

Membership Benefits

  • 10 issues per year of the ALA’s American Libraries
  • Weekly e-newsletters, AL Direct and Student AL Direct
  • Substantial discounts on ALA and Divisional conferences, as well as ALA Editions and Graphics
  • Professional development and networking opportunities with over 64,000 other library and information professionals at ALA conferences and other events
  • Access to ALA scholarships, grants, awards, and travel opportunities
  • Access to discounted medical, dental, auto, and life insurance through ALA affinity providers
  • State membership can include additional discounts, scholarships, awards, grants, conferences and subscriptions.


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