1st Place

SARP reaches a staggering 100+ undergraduate members. USEED crowd-funding effort raises $22.2K, industry donates $10.5K, and the Aeronautics & Astronautics Department at UW pitches in $11K! New rocket modifications include:
  • nitrous oxide tank shortened in length and increased diameter to 8″
  • implemented pneumatic actuated valve
  • wireless remote nitrous oxide loading capability improved
  • longer launch rail so a mechanism is needed to lift rocket up
  • improved fin-can lay-up procedure
  • reduced nosecone cost by using fiberglass
Launch at IREC-SAC (Spaceport America Cup) performed well until about 4000 feet where the rocket experienced a structural failure in flight. It experienced a hard landing under a partial chute. SARP still won 1st place in the Student Researched and Developed (SRAD) 30,000 feet AGL category.