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Study Abroad Opportunity Available in India

The program is titled “Disability in Limited Resource Settings” and will be located in Hyderabad, Kalaburagi, and Bangalore, India.


The program addresses disability within low and middle income countries. Using India as a cultural, political and socioeconomic context, students will explore a wide range of issues related to disability including prevalence and demographics, measurement, access and barriers to health care and rehabilitation, availability of assistance and support, accessibility of built environments and information technologies, and access and barriers to education and employment. We will address these diverse issues using the twin themes of international human rights and international development.


This course will connect students with scholars in India who work on issues related to disability. It will give them an introduction to the unique context of India and connect that setting to a broader global context. And, it will allow students from the US to meet students from India who have similar interests.


The program will run for approximately the first 3 weeks of September. Students can take this course for Disability Studies or Rehab Med credits. You can find more information here:


If you have any questions, contact:

Mark Harniss, Ph.D. | Clinical Associate Professor | Rehabilitation Medicine | 

Box 357920 | University of Washington | Seattle, WA  98195 | 206-685-0289 |


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