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SLP CFY Position Available with Portland VA

Speech-Language Pathology Training Program
1 Year Clinical Fellowships 2018-2019
VA Portland Health Care System
Portland, Oregon

The training program is funded by VHA Office of Academic Affiliations. These fellowships are available only for US citizens.
Students are provided with required readings on advanced topics and attend various colloquia, symposiums and seminars.

We provide training in a) fluoroscopic evaluation of swallowing and FEES, b) evaluation of voice with the use the Kay voice analysis system, direct and fiberoptic laryngoscopy, and stroboscopy, c) evaluation and treatment for the use of trachea-esophageal speaking valves, d) evaluation for use of speaking valves, including in ventilated patients, e) evaluation of speech, language, and cognition, and f) evaluation and implementation of AAC devices and cognitive prosthetics.

Training occurs in the following locations:
ENT-including Head & Neck Surgery (SICU); General Medicine Teams 1-5; Medical/Surgical
Intensive Care Unit; Community Living Center, Vancouver Campus: Rehabilitation Unit,
Skilled Nursing Care Unit, Long-term care, Hospice and Palliative care; Polytrauma Clinic; ALS
Multidisciplinary Clinic; Dysphagia Outpatient Clinics; General SLP Outpatient Clinics

We require each CFY to develop and present a presentation on a topic of their choice, either to our internal staff, or to one of the interdisciplinary teams. Observation, didactic teaching, and supervision are provided throughout each rotation with the goal of progressively weaning the student toward independence. In addition to daily ongoing feedback, each student meets with their mentor weekly to discuss the student’s progress along with any other issues of concern.

The application deadline is November 17, 2017, and the start date is typically at the beginning of October.

If you would like clarification or further information, please contact Dr. Michael Sullivan, Trainee Coordinator, by email,, or phone 503-220-8262, Ext. 33497.

Any student interested in applying should send a brief email to Dr. Michael Sullivan,, stating his or her intent to apply.

Applicants should submit a cover letter stating interest and career goals, curriculum vitae, unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Please use the VA Letter of Recommendation SLP Form that is available on our website. At least one recommendation should be from an academic professor and one from a clinical instructor. An academic and clinical professor can speak to both areas, if applicable. Letters of recommendation can be emailed to Dr. Sullivan directly by the professor or can
be included in the student’s application. If emailed, “Letter of Recommendation for Name of Applicant” should be included in the subject line.

Please concatenate all documents into a single .pdf, and “Save as” as an Adobe Acrobat optimized file type to compress, or use an online .pdf compression program. If you would like to encrypt your application, please request a password to use from Dr. Sullivan by sending an email request. Note, the VA server may reject a large file size. As such, please also send a separate, brief email to Dr. Sullivan stating that the application was sent. Applications should be submitted to (Note, the other VA forms listed on the website: Application for Assoc. Health Trainee, Form 306, and National Rules of Behavior will be required upon selection for an externship.).

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Matt Hamilton-Sutherland, Acting Chief
VA Portland Health Care System
3710 SW US Veterans Hosp. Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97239
503-220-8262 Ext. 57253

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