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Seattle Children’s Speech Pathology Webinar

A series of webinars are being presented by our SLP colleagues at Seattle Children’s in the upcoming months. These webinars are open to all faculty and students interested.  The 4 areas of focus are Voice, Velopharyngeal Dysfunction, AAC and Fluency. They are also offering opportunities for CEUs.

A series of three, 2-hour, online pediatric speech-language pathology training sessions and one 90-minute online pediatric speech-language pathology training session will occur via for the purpose of creating an opportunity for learning and dialogue for speech-language pathologists and other professionals serving children with communication disorders. The purpose of this series is to provide educational opportunities to professionals across Washington State serving children with communication deficits.

Who Should Attend:
Speech-Language Pathologists, and other professionals who serve children with communication disorders and who are interested in learning more about considerations for evaluating and treating special populations.

Learning Objectives:
1. Learn to evaluate voice disorders in children and determine a child’s candidacy for treatment and methods to implement voice therapy.
2. Explain the categories of velopharyngeal dysfunction and pathways to improve structure and/or strategies to improve function.
3. Identify strategies and options for a child with autism for a child who has autism to communicate using the iPad as an AAC device.
4. Learn techniques to use in a treatment program
to help persons who stutter speak with improved

Please consider attending one or all of these to learn more about these populations!

See brochure for more information:

Seattle Children’s 2017-2018 Speech Pathology Webinar Brochure

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